Laser-based visible light communication (VLC) system has been confirmed as a vital part of current VLC technology due to its high data rate and extended range. However, the application of the conventional laser VLC system is very much limited by its high directivity and thus requests a complex tracking mechanism. In this work, we present a laser-based white light VLC system with ultra-wide field-of-view (FOV) exceeding 150°, which paves the path for future deployment of laser-based VLC systems.
This system consists of two blue laser diodes pumping YAG ceramic phosphor plate in a reflection configuration as the transmitter and a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) as the receiver. An engineered diffuser is integrated into the transmitter end.
The system modulation bandwidth is measured to be 200 MHz, which is limited by the frequency response of the SiPM. When the forward error correction (FEC) threshold bit error rate (BER) of 3.8 × 10-3 is considered, data rates up to ~400 Mbps have been achieved within 88° using the adaptive bit loading discrete multi-tone (DMT) modulation scheme. When extending the FOV to 152°, the transmission data rate remains exceeding 200 Mbps. Our work confirms the possibility of constructing the wide-angle and ultra-high-speed laser-based MIMO VLC system.
A scheme for Gaussian kernel-aided deep neural networks nonlinear predistortion (GK-DNNPD), which could effectively reduce the computational complexity of the receivers, is experimentally demonstrated. Compared with lookup table (LUT) PD, the GK-DNNPD could increase the
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