Dr. Vladimir Nikolaevic Leonov
Senior Research Scientist at IMEC
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (7)

Proceedings Article | 12 May 2009 Paper
V. Malyutenko, O. Malyutenko, V. Leonov, C. Van Hoof
Proceedings Volume 7318, 73181F (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.818482
KEYWORDS: Thermography, Long wavelength infrared, Tellurium, Infrared radiation, Mid-IR, Infrared imaging, Tantalum, Resistors, Silicon, Microelectromechanical systems

Proceedings Article | 8 December 2003 Paper
Vladimir Leonov, Claus Goessens, Chris Van Hoof, Bob Grietens, Natalia Perova, Volodymyr Malyutenko
Proceedings Volume 5209, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.505836
KEYWORDS: Infrared radiation, Microbolometers, Thermography, Infrared imaging, Bolometers, Resistance, Staring arrays, Infrared cameras, Sensors, Black bodies

Proceedings Article | 10 October 2003 Paper
Vladimir Leonov, Ybe Creten, Piet De Moor, Bert Du Bois, Claus Goessens, Bob Grietens, Patrick Merken, Natalia Perova, Gerlinde Ruttens, Chris Van Hoof, Agnes Verbist, Jan Vermeiren
Proceedings Volume 5074, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.487084
KEYWORDS: Bolometers, Sensors, Microbolometers, Infrared radiation, Resistance, Readout integrated circuits, Temperature metrology, Calibration, Black bodies, Thermography

Proceedings Article | 25 March 2003 Paper
Vladimir Leonov, Natalia Perova, Piet De Moor, Bert Du Bois, Claus Goessens, Bob Grietens, Agnes Verbist, Chris Van Hoof, Jan Vermeiren
Proceedings Volume 4945, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.468410
KEYWORDS: Bolometers, Sensors, Resistance, Microbolometers, Infrared radiation, Thermography, Infrared imaging, Infrared bolometers, Imaging arrays, Thermal modeling

Proceedings Article | 5 August 2002 Paper
Vladimir Leonov, Natalia Perova, Jan Vermeiren, Bob Grietens, Claus Goessens, Piet De Moor, Chris Van Hoof
Proceedings Volume 4721, (2002) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.478840
KEYWORDS: Bolometers, Semiconducting wafers, Microbolometers, Resistance, Sensors, Silicon, Temperature metrology, Absorption, Infrared bolometers, Computer simulations

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