Dr. Timothy J. Coutts
Principal Scientist at National Renewable Energy Lab
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Publications (1)

Proceedings Article | 21 August 2009 Paper
Ingrid Repins, Stephen Glynn, Joel Duenow, Timothy Coutts, Wyatt Metzger, Miguel Contreras
Proceedings Volume 7409, 74090M (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.828365
KEYWORDS: Copper indium gallium selenide, Cadmium sulfide, Absorption, Transparent conductors, Resistance, Molybdenum, Zinc oxide, Reflection, Quantum efficiency, Data modeling

Conference Committee Involvement (3)
High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications III
11 August 2008 | San Diego, California, United States
High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications II
26 August 2007 | San Diego, California, United States
High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications
14 August 2006 | San Diego, California, United States
Course Instructor
SC303: Transparent Conducting Oxides: Their Science, Fabrication, Properties, and Applications
TCOs (Transparent Conducting Oxides) are produced by many techniques; the techniques, TCO properties, and the effects of fabrication variables are reviewed. Few materials are optically transparent and electrically conducting, and these properties are discussed using elementary physics and chemistry, showing that adjusting the fabrication conditions can make improvements. There is specific information in all parts of the visible, near-IR, and near-UV parts of the spectrum, and this information may be used to improve basic properties. The course discusses very large-area applications, such as electro-optical displays and window coatings used to reduce thermal losses, and smaller area applications, such as solar cells and gas sensors. TCOs must be stable and easy to contact. These aspects are commonly neglected and yet are vitally important for their exploitation. Therefore, a full discussion of these aspects is given, based on the instructor's experience with these materials.
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