The Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) recorded daily Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI) measurements from 2003 to 2020, overlapping with the Total and Spectral Irradiance Sensor (TSIS1) for ∼2 years (Mar. 2018 - Feb. 2020). We use data from the Spectral Irradiance Monitors (SIM), spanning 704 days and 554 time-matched observations, to compare absolute irradiance calibrations in a truly unique space-based UV-IR spectroscopic overlap study. This 200–2400 nm comparison was conducted during the Solar Cycle 24 minimum, so observed differences are likely instrumental. We find peak-to-peak (maximum) absolute scale differences of 12% with a mean fractional difference of 0.7 ± 2.9%. A multiplicative scale correction factor (STICR) has been developed to reconcile the TSIS1 and SORCE SIM irradiance differences. Applying this correction to the SORCE-SIM V27 dataset, we provide a re-calibrated dataset known as the TSIS1-SIM Adjusted Values (TAV). We discuss the challenges in the creation of STICR and TAV, and lessons learned about using temporally overlapping space observatories to provide a continuous solar observation record.
Solar observations are intrinsically harsh to optics and detectors. Space measurements in particular expose the spacecraft and payload to charged particles and UV radiation which causes changes in the transmission profile of windows and optics. These affect the absolute accuracy of the measurements over time. Astronomical observations typically rely on standard stars and calibration sources to track and correct changes in the instrument. This method was used with the SORCESOLSTICE instrument during its 17 year Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI) measurement record covering more than 9 orders of magnitudes in brightness between stellar and Solar observations. Other instruments are designed with multiple identical channels which are used at various cadence to track degradation differentially. We present the advantages and issues discovered with each method and the benefits of following a constant and regular observation plan to improve the accuracy of the degradation corrections.
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) has been collecting data since soon after its installation on the Hubble Space Telescope in May 2009. The two-segment microchannel plate-based detector for the FUV channel is subject to gain sag, and eventually a permanent loss of efficiency at the locations where the largest number of counts have fallen. The initial strategy for the use of the detector was to maximize the scientific productivity of the instrument over the five-year design lifetime. This has been accomplished by periodically adjusting the high voltage and moving the spectra to a different location on the detector in order to spread the damage on the detector and thus minimize gain sag. The instrument is now well past this point and performing well, so in late 2016 we began to investigate ways to extend the life of the detector for as long as possible without seriously affecting the scientific performance. As a result of these studies, we adopted a new lifetime extension strategy when the spectra were moved to Lifetime Position 4 (LP4) in October 2017, and placed restrictions on the G130M observing modes that put Lyman-α airglow lines on the detector. Central wavelengths 1300, 1309, 1318, and 1327 are no longer permitted to illuminate Segment B of the detector, and G130M/1291 is permitted on that segment only for FP-POS values 3 and 4 in order to concentrate the damage to the detector. These changes limit the damage from gain sag “holes” due to airglow to only two locations on the detector, rather than the twenty at the previous LPs. In addition, we modified our previous approach of increasing the high voltage or changing LPs before any hole experienced a sensitivity loss of 5%, and will permit the two G130M/1291 holes to become permanently sagged, thus creating a new detector gap. Science programs that require wavelength coverage near the rest-frame Lyman-α region (1216 Å) can be executed at LP3. Observations with other gratings remain unaffected, but the wavelength coverage on Segment B for a single exposure will now include gaps due to the gain sag holes from the G130M/1291 observations. Models of gain loss as a function of exposure suggest that by adopting this strategy and giving up these small regions of the detector, we will be able to use LP4 productively for six or more years, as opposed to the ~2.5 years that was available at previous positions.
The Far Ultraviolet detector of the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is subject to distortions on a range of spatial scales in its two-dimensional format due to its analog nature. Incomplete correction of these effects can lead to errors in wavelength scales and flux measurements in the calibrated spectra. Two of the largest sources of error are geometric distortion and walk. Although they are accounted for separately in the CalCOS calibration pipeline, they are highly coupled and can be considered as manifestations of the same effect.
The current calibration pipeline does not apply any walk correction in the dispersion direction even though walk-induced errors can be more than a resolution element in some cases. The current geometric correction, which was derived without considering walk effects, is also known to have inaccuracies. As part of our efforts to improve the wavelength calibration of COS, we have revisited the existing walk and geometric correction using both prelaunch and on-orbit data.
The Far Ultraviolet (FUV) detector on the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is subject to a variety of distortions due to its analog nature. Thermal variations of the detector and electronics stretch and shift the active area. Geometric distortions on a range of spatial scales warp the two-dimensional spectral image. Changes due to detector walk – the dependence of detected position on pulse height – add distortions that change as a function of time. The calcos calibration pipeline includes corrections for each of these effects in the calibrated spectra, but these are imperfect, and they do not help with the target acquisition process, which uses raw detector coordinates. We discuss these distortions and their effect on the data, our attempts to mitigate them, the current pipeline corrections and their success at removing the effects, and possible modifications to improve the data quality in the future.
David Sahnow, Alessandra Aloisi, K. Azalee Bostroem, John Debes, Justin Ely, Philip Hodge, Gerard Kriss, Derck Massa, Cristina Oliveira, Rachel Osten, Steven Osterman, Steven Penton, Charles Proffitt, Julia Roman-Duval, Paule Sonnentrucker
The Far Ultraviolet (FUV) detector of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
uses a large-format, two-segment microchannel plate detector with a Cross Delay-Line anode. Since the installation of
COS into HST in 2009, the detector’s properties have continually evolved, and changes to both sensitivity and
microchannel plate gain have been observed. In order to maximize the lifetime of the detector, we have been monitoring
its local properties as a function of time, cumulative exposure, and other factors, and we have constructed models to
predict its future evolution. These models will allow us to actively manage the microchannel plate high voltage levels
and the location of the spectra on the detector in order to extend its life without limiting its scientific use. We are also
tracking the global sensitivity of the detector, which has been decreasing since installation; the rate of degradation has
been found to vary with time, and appears to be correlated with solar activity.
David Sahnow, Alessandra Aloisi, K. Azalee Bostroem, John Debes, Julia Duval, Justin Ely, Philip Hodge, Gerard Kriss, Kevin Lindsay, Derck Massa, Cristina Oliveira, Rachel Osten, Steven Osterman, Steven Penton, Charles Proffitt, Paule Sonnentrucker, Brian York
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) was installed into the Hubble Space Telescope in May 2009, and has been
collecting ultraviolet spectra since then. The Far Ultraviolet channel of COS uses an efficient optical design and a two-segment,
large-format Cross Delay Line microchannel plate detector to obtain spectra at medium and low resolution in
the far ultraviolet. While the overall instrument performance has been excellent, several long-term trends in performance
have been noted and are being addressed. These include a slow decrease in overall sensitivity, which is independent of
the illumination and may be due to a degradation of the photocathode with time.
In addition, the detector microchannel plates are showing severe gain sag in the regions where the most photons have
fallen. As a result, we are in the process of moving the spectra to a new, nearly pristine, location on the detector. This
will be the first of several additional lifetime positions which will allow us to collect high-quality spectra for many years
to come. We will discuss the factors that led to our decision on where to move next and our progress in moving there,
including details of the enabling and calibration activities which are being performed at the new location, and the
anticipated performance. We will also address strategies that will be implemented in order to prolong the life at this and
subsequent positions.
The color dependence of the measured decline of the on-orbit sensitivity of the FUV channel of the HST Cosmic Origins
Spectrograph (HST-COS) indicated the principal loss mechanism to be degradation of the cesium iodide (CsI)
photocathode of the open-faced FUV detector. A possible cause of this degradation is contamination by atomic oxygen
(AO), prompting an investigation of the interaction of AO with CsI. To address this question, opaque CsI photocathodes
were deposited on stainless steel substrates employing the same deposition techniques and parameters used for the
photocathodes of the HST-COS FUV detector. The as-deposited FUV quantum efficiency of these photocathodes was
measured in the 117-174 nm range. Several of the photocathodes were exposed to varying levels of thermalized, atomic
oxygen (AO) fluence (produced via an RF plasma). The post AO exposure QE's were measured and the degradation of
sensitivity versus wavelength and AO fluence are presented.
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) uses a large-format cross delay line
(XDL) detector in its Far Ultraviolet (FUV) channel. While obtaining spectra, light falls non-uniformly on the detector
due to the optical design and the spectral properties of the object being observed; in particular, bright emission lines
from geocoronal Lyman-alpha can fall on the detector in more than 20 locations. As a result, some areas of the detector
have received a much greater exposure than others. This non-uniform illumination has led to a time- and position-dependent
change in the gain of the microchannel plates, which causes variations in the overall detector performance.
We will discuss the effects of this gain sag on the science data, and discuss mitigation strategies which are being
implemented in order to maximize the detector lifetime.
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) are the two
optical-UV spectrographs on board the Hubble Space Telescope. To determine the wavelength scale for individual
science observations, internal arc lamp spectra accompany most observations of external targets. Here we present
a detailed analysis of the changes in the COS and STIS internal lamp fluxes and spectra over time, and also
compare our results to pre-launch ground testing, and to laboratory accelerated aging testing of similar lamps.
Most of the analysis presented here focuses on the behaviour of the lamps in the far-UV (FUV). We find that
the STIS LINE lamp has faded by a factor of ~15 in the very short FUV wavelengths (1150-1200Å) over the
13-year period on which STIS was in space, a much steeper fading than predicted from accelerated aging tests
in the laboratory. We also find that all STIS lamps have faded during the period in which the spectrograph was
not operational (2004-2009) thus pointing to on-orbit conditions as an additional and important cause of lamp
fading. We report that the COS P1 lamp output appears to decline with usage with a similar slope as the LINE
and HITM1 lamps on STIS. Finally, we recommend switching from the LINE to the HITM2 lamp for a more
efficient wavelength calibration of the STIS settings covering the very short FUV wavelengths.
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) was installed into the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during Servicing
Mission 4 (SM4) in May 2009. COS is designed to obtain spectra of faint objects at moderate spectral resolution (R >
16,000) in two channels: FUV, covering wavelengths from 1150 to 1450 Å; and NUV, covering 1700 - 3200 Å. Two
low resolution gratings (R > 1500) cover the < 900 - 2050 Å (FUV) and 1650 - 3200 Å (NUV) wavelength regions. An
imaging capability is also available on the NUV channel.
As part of the Hubble Servicing Mission Observatory Verification (SMOV) program, an extensive period of checkout,
fine-tuning and preliminary characterization began after the installation of COS. The COS SMOV program was a
cooperative effort between the Space Telescope Science Institute and the Instrument Definition Team based at the
University of Colorado. Nearly 2800 COS exposures in 34 separate observing programs were obtained during the course
of SMOV. Early activities included an initial instrument functional checkout, turn-on and initial characterization of the
detectors, NUV and FUV channel focus and alignment, and target acquisition verification and assessment. Once this
initial period was completed, science-related calibrations and verifications were performed in order to prepare the
instrument for normal science operations. These activities included wavelength calibration, flux calibration, detector flat
field characterization, spectroscopic performance verification, high S/N operation, and thermal and structural stability
measurements. We discuss the design, execution and results of the SMOV program, including the interrelationships
between the various tasks, and how the pre-launch plan was adjusted in real-time due to changing conditions.
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) was installed on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in May 2009 during
Servicing Mission 4 (SM4). This paper discusses the initial on-orbit performance of the HST-COS far ultraviolet (FUV)
detector designed and built by the Experimental Astrophysics Group at the Univ. of California, Berkeley. The HST-COS
FUV detector is an open face, photon counting, microchannel plate (MCP) based device employing a cross delay
line (XDL) readout. The detector consists of two separate, end-to-end segments (2x 85mm x 10mm - 179mm x 10mm
total with a gap between segments), each digitized within a 16384x1024 space. The input surface is curved to match the
Rowland circle of HST-COS. The CsI photocathode and open face nature result in sensitivity from <900Å to ~1750Å.
Spatial resolution is approximately 25-30μm. Comparisons of on-orbit behavior relative to expectations from ground
testing are performed. Areas of discussion include background (rate and morphology), sensitivity (system throughput
and short wavelength response), and imaging performance (apparent spatial resolution and flat field fixed pattern). A
measured increase in the MCP gain relative to ground testing is also discussed.
The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph,1 COS, will be installed in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during the next
servicing mission. This will be the most sensitive ultraviolet spectrograph ever flown aboard the HST.
The calibration pipeline (CALCOS), written in Python, has been developed by the Space Telescope Science
Institute (STScI) to support the calibration of HST/COS data. As with other HST pipelines, CALCOS uses an
association table to specify the data files to be included, and employs header keywords to specify the calibration
steps to be performed and the reference files to be used.
CALCOS is designed with a common underlying structure for processing far ultraviolet (FUV) and near
ultraviolet (NUV) channels which, respectively, use a cross delay line and a Multi Anode Microchannel Array
(MAMA) detector. The pipeline basics and channel dependent specifics are presented. The generation and
application of the current reference files, derived from ground-based calibration data, is described, along with
the pipeline verification process and results.
The CALCOS calibration includes pulse-height filtering and geometric correction for the FUV channel; flat-field,
deadtime, and Doppler correction for both channels. Methods for obtaining an accurate wavelength calibra-tion
using the on-board spectral line lamp are described. The instrument sensitivity is applied to the background
corrected spectrum to produce the final flux calibrated spectrum.
We report accelerated aging tests on three Pt/Ne lamps from the same manufacturing run as lamps installed on
the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). Initial radiometrically calibrated spectra were taken for each lamp at
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). One lamp was aged in air at NIST at a current of
10 mA and 50% duty cycle (30 s on, 30 s off) until failure. Calibrated spectra were taken after 206 h, 500 h,
778 h, 783 h and 897 h of operation. Two other lamps were aged by the COS instrument development team in
a thermal vacuum chamber, with calibrated spectra taken at NIST after 500 h of operation. In all three lamps,
total output dropped by less than 15 % over 500 h. We conclude that the lamps will satisfy the requirements of
COS in both lifetime and spectral stability.
We report accelerated vacuum aging tests on two Pt-Ne lamps identical and/or similar to those installed on
the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) to be installed in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in the fall of
2008. One additional lamp was aged in air at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). All
lamps were tested at a 50% duty cycle (30 s on/off) at flight nominal (10 mA) constant current until failure.
Calibrated spectra of all lamps were taken at NIST using the 10.7-m normal incidence vacuum spectrograph at
various points in the life of the lamps. In this paper we report the results of the photometric, electrical, and
thermal monitoring of the vacuum tested lamps, while the spectroscopic and air aging results are given in a
companion paper (Nave et al., 2008, SPIE 7011-134). We conclude that the lamps will satisfy the requirements
of the HST/COS mission in terms of lifetime, cycles, and thermal and spectral stability.
We present the preliminary calibration results for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a fourth generation replacement instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope due to be installed in mid-2005. The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph consists of two spectroscopic channels: a far ultraviolet channel that observes wavelengths between 1150 and 2000 Åand a near ultraviolet channel that observes between 1700 and 3200 Å. Each channel supports moderate (R≈20,000) and low (R≈2000) spectral resolution. We discuss the calibration methodology, test configurations, and preliminary end-to-end calibration results. This includes spectral resolution, system efficiency, flat fields, and wavelength scales for each channel. We also present the measured transmission of the Bright Object Aperture (BOA) and the measured spatial resolution.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Calibration, Electronics, Doppler effect, Analog electronics, Spectral calibration, Data processing, Dispersion, Spectrographs, Chemical elements
COS has two distinct ultraviolet channels covering the spectral range from 1150Å to 3200Å. The NUV channel covers the range from 1700Å to 3200Å and uses the Hubble Space Telescope's STIS spare MAMA. The FUV channel uses a micro channel plate detector with a cross-delay line readout system to cover the range from 1150Å to 1900Å. Due to the analog nature of the readout electronics of the FUV detector, this system is sensitive to temperature variations and has non-uniform pixel size across its sensitive area. We present a step-by-step description of the calibration process required to transform raw data from the COS into fully corrected and calibrated spectra ready for scientific analysis. Initial simulated raw COS data is used to demonstrate the calibration process.
Time-delay anodes are typically used in conjunction with microchannel plates to provide photon counting and two- dimensional imaging. The anode and associated electronics are used to compute the centroid of the charge cloud from the microchannel plate stack. The computation is done in analog circuitry and reported as a digital value. The analog nature of the time-delay anode makes them susceptible to variations in the correlation between physical space and the reported digital value. These variations, both local and global, must be corrected as part of the data reduction of scientific data. If left uncorrected in spectral data, for example, these variations would result in inaccurate wavelength identifications and distorted spectral line profiles. This work describes successful algorithms for correcting the dominant distortions present in a time-delay anode; geometric (local) and thermal (global) distortions. These algorithms were developed as part of the data reduction pipelines for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS), a fourth generation instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE).
The flight microchannel plate detectors to be used in the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a fourth generation instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope, have been calibrated in the laboratory before being integrated into the spectrograph. This paper presents the results of these calibrations that include measurements of the detector quantum efficiency, spatial resolution, spatial linearity, flat field, electronic livetime and the local count rate limit.
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