Dr. Rachel Bowens-Rubin
at Univ of California Santa Cruz
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (22)

Proceedings Article | 28 August 2024 Poster
Proceedings Volume 13097, 130974N (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3020595

Proceedings Article | 28 August 2024 Poster
Rachel Bowens-Rubin, Jayke Nguyen, Phil Hinz, Maissa Salama, William Thompson
Proceedings Volume PC13103, PC1310318 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3018160

Proceedings Article | 27 August 2024 Poster + Paper
Proceedings Volume 13097, 130975K (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3019167
KEYWORDS: Actuators, Wavefront sensors, Adaptive optics, Cameras, Telescopes, Infrared cameras, Real-time computing, Tunable filters, Lead, Frequency response

Proceedings Article | 27 August 2024 Presentation + Paper
Ellen Lee, Mark Chun, Olivier Lai, Ruihan Zhang, Max Baeten, Arjo Bos, Matias Kidron, Fred Kamphues, Stefan Kuiper, Wouter Jonker, Michael Connelley, John Rayner, Alan Ryan, Philip Hinz, Rachel Bowens-Rubin, Charles Lockhart, Michael Kelii
Proceedings Volume 13097, 130972P (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3016132
KEYWORDS: Actuators, Mirrors, Telescopes, Mirror surfaces, Deformable mirrors, Adaptive mirrors, Adaptive optics, Astronomical adaptive optics

Proceedings Article | 27 August 2024 Presentation + Paper
Maïssa Salama, Charlotte Guthery, Vincent Chambouleyron, Rebecca Jensen-Clem, J. Kent Wallace, Mitchell Troy, Jacques-Robert Delorme, Daren Dillon, Daniel Echeverri, Yeyuan (Yinzi) Xin, Wen Hao (Jerry) Xuan, Nemanja Jovanovic, Dimitri Mawet, Peter Wizinowich, Rachel Bowens-Rubin
Proceedings Volume 13097, 130971P (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3019373
KEYWORDS: Mirrors, Image segmentation, Adaptive optics, Wavefront sensors, Point spread functions, Telescopes, Sensors, Wavefronts

Showing 5 of 22 publications
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