Dr. Pak S. Cho
Physicist at CeLight Inc
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (8)

Proceedings Article | 4 June 2011 Paper
Pak Cho, Robert Jones, Timothy Shuman, Daniel Scoglietti, Geof Harston
Proceedings Volume 8018, 80181T (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.883027
KEYWORDS: Laser beam diagnostics, Raman spectroscopy, Explosives, Absorption, Quantum cascade lasers, Interferometry, Acoustics, Pulsed laser operation, Optical parametric oscillators, Phase shifts

Proceedings Article | 9 May 2009 Paper
Pak Cho, Geof Harston, Kai-Daniel Büchter, David Soreide, Jonathan Saint Clair, Wolfgang Sohler, Yaakov Achiam, Isaac Shpantzer
Proceedings Volume 7324, 73240A (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.810498
KEYWORDS: Turbulence, Scintillation, Receivers, Homodyne detection, Signal to noise ratio, Mid-IR, Wave propagation, Transmitters, Atmospheric propagation, Signal detection

Proceedings Article | 7 May 2009 Paper
Pak Cho, Geof Harston, David Soreide, Jonathan Saint Clair, Yaakov Achiam, Isaac Shpantzer
Proceedings Volume 7324, 73240M (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.810503
KEYWORDS: Polarization, Turbulence, Signal to noise ratio, Signal detection, Homodyne detection, Scintillation, Receivers, Modulators, Transmitters, Forward error correction

Proceedings Article | 15 September 2004 Paper
Pak Cho, Geof Harston, Chris Kerr, Art Greenblatt, Arkady Kaplan, Yaakov Achiam, Isaac Shpantzer
Proceedings Volume 5403, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.541569
KEYWORDS: Eye, Receivers, Signal detection, Signal to noise ratio, Homodyne detection, Interference (communication), Sensors, Picosecond phenomena, Continuous wave operation

Proceedings Article | 10 August 2004 Paper
Pak Cho, Geof Harston, Chris Kerr, Art Greenblatt, Arkady Kaplan, Yaakov Achiam, Guy Levy-Yurista, Moti Margalit, Yoav Gross, Jacob Khurgin
Proceedings Volume 5440, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.541574
KEYWORDS: Modulators, Polarization, Phase shifts, Optical filters, Modulation, Dense wavelength division multiplexing, Phase modulation, Phase shift keying, Optical modulators, Hybrid optics

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