Large-format infrared arrays are enablers for a variety of astronomical applications, from wide-field imaging to very high-resolution spectroscopy over a wide range of wavelength. We present the optimization of the science-grade H4RG array used in the SPIRou high-resolution spectrograph designed for high-precision velocity measurements. In SPIRou nominal science operation, the array is used in a relatively low flux regime, well below the full-well of the arrays and, for some applications, the readout noise is a major contributor to the overall signal-to-noise budget. We describe the detector fine-tuning process as well as the derived properties and their impact on performances. We identify persistence as potentially problematic under certain circumstances for infrared m/s velocimetry.
NIRPS (Near Infra Red Planet Searcher) is a new ultra-stable infrared ( YJH) fiber-fed spectrograph that will be installed on ESO’s 3.6-m telescope in La Silla, Chile. Aiming at achieving a precision of 1 m/s, NIRPS is designed to find rocky planets orbiting M dwarfs, and will operate together with HARPS (High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher). In this paper we describe NIRPS science cases, present its main technical characteristics and its development status.
Since 1st light in 2002, HARPS has been setting the standard in the exo-planet detection by radial velocity (RV) measurements[1]. Based on this experience, our consortium is developing a high accuracy near-infrared RV spectrograph covering YJH bands to detect and characterize low-mass planets in the habitable zone of M dwarfs. It will allow RV measurements at the 1-m/s level and will look for habitable planets around M- type stars by following up the candidates found by the upcoming space missions TESS, CHEOPS and later PLATO. NIRPS and HARPS, working simultaneously on the ESO 3.6m are bound to become a single powerful high-resolution, high-fidelity spectrograph covering from 0.4 to 1.8 micron. NIRPS will complement HARPS in validating earth-like planets found around G and K-type stars whose signal is at the same order of magnitude than the stellar noise. Because at equal resolving power the overall dimensions of a spectrograph vary linearly with the input beam étendue, spectrograph designed for seeing-limited observations are large and expensive. NIRPS will use a high order adaptive optics system to couple the starlight into a fiber corresponding to 0.4” on the sky as efficiently or better than HARPS or ESPRESSO couple the light 0.9” fiber. This allows the spectrograph to be very compact, more thermally stable and less costly. Using a custom tan(θ)=4 dispersion grating in combination with a start-of-the-art Hawaii4RG detector makes NIRPS very efficient with complete coverage of the YJH bands at 110’000 resolution. NIRPS works in a regime that is in-between the usual multi-mode (MM) where 1000’s of modes propagates in the fiber and the single mode well suited for perfect optical systems. This regime called few-modes regime is prone to modal noise- Results from a significant R and D effort made to characterize and circumvent the modal noise show that this contribution to the performance budget shall not preclude the RV performance to be achieved.
The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) Optical Simulator (NOS) is a
laboratory simulation of the single-object slitless spectroscopy and aperture masking interferometry modes of the
NIRISS instrument onboard the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). A transiting exoplanet can be simulated
by periodically eclipsing a small portion (1% - 10ppm) of a super continuum laser source (0.4 μm - 2.4 μm) with
a dichloromethane filled cell. Dichloromethane exhibits multiple absorption features in the near infrared domain
hence the net effect is analogous to the atmospheric absorption features of an exoplanet transiting in front of its
host star. The NOS uses an HAWAII-2RG and an ASIC controller cooled to cryogenic temperatures. A separate
photometric beacon provides a flux reference to monitor laser variations. The telescope jitter can be simulated
using a high-resolution motorized pinhole placed along the optical path. Laboratory transiting spectroscopy data
produced by the NOS will be used to refine analysis methods, characterize the noise due to the jitter, characterize
the noise floor and to develop better observation strategies. We report in this paper the first exoplanet transit
event simulated by the NOS. The performance is currently limited by relatively high thermal background in the
system and high frequency temporal variations of the continuum source.
The new high precision polarimeter for the “Observatoire du Mont Mégantic” (POMM) is an instrument designed to
observe exoplanets and other targets in the visible and near infrared wavebands. The requirements to achieve these
observation goals are posing unusual challenges to structural and mechanical designers.
In this paper, the detailed design, analysis and laboratory results of the key mechanical structure and sub-systems are
First, to study extremely low polarization, the birefringence effect due to stresses in the optical elements must be kept to
the lowest possible values. The double-wedge Wollaston custom prism assembly that splits the incoming optical beam is
made of bonded α-BBO to N-BK-7 glass lenses. Because of the large mismatch of coefficients of thermal expansion and
temperatures as low as -40°C that can be encountered at Mont-Mégantic observatory, a finite element analysis (FEA)
model is developed to find the best adhesive system to minimize stresses.
Another critical aspect discussed in details is the implementation of the cascaded rotating elements and the twin rotating
stages. Special attention is given to the drive mechanism and encoding technology. The objective was to reach high
absolute positional accuracy in rotation without any mechanical backlash.
As for many other instruments, mass, size and dimensional stability are important critera for the supporting structure.
For a cantilevered device, such as POMM, a static hexapod is an attractive solution because of the high stiffness to
weight ratio. However, the mechanical analysis revealed that the specific geometry of the dual channel optical layout
also added an off-axis counterbalancing problem. To reach an X-Y displacement error on the detector smaller than 35μm
for 0-45° zenith angle, further structural optimization was done using FEA. An imaging camera was placed at the
detector plane during assembly to measure the actual optical beam shift under varying gravitational loading.
A polarimeter, to observe exoplanets in the visible and infrared, was built for the “Observatoire du Mont Mégantic”
(OMM) to replace an existing instrument and reach 10-6 precision, a factor 100 improvement. The optical and
mechanical designs are presented, with techniques used to precisely align the optical components and rotation axes to
achieve the targeted precision. A photo-elastic modulator (PEM) and a lock-in amplifier are used to measure the
polarization. The typical signal is a high DC superimposed to a very faint sinusoidal oscillation. Custom electronics
was developed to measure the AC and DC amplitudes, and characterization results are presented.
The CCD282 is a large low-light level (L3 - Electron multiplying CCD) imaging sensor developed by e2v technologies for the University of Montreal. The intended use is for photon counting and very low light level imaging. The device will be used on the 3DNTT instrument which is a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer. There is also the intention to place a device on a 10m class telescope for scanning Fabry-Perot application. This sensor is the largest electron multiplying CCD device produced to date with a 4k×4k backside illuminated frame transfer architecture. The sensor uses 8 parallel EM (Electron Multiplying) amplified outputs to maximize throughput. This paper present the first results and performance measurements of this device, and especially of the clock induced charge (CIC) which is one order of magnitude lower than previous devices thanks to a specific design optimized for photon counting operation.
A new polarimeter has been built for the “Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic” (POMM) and is now in commissioning
phase. It will allow polarization measurements with a precision of 10-6, an improvement by a factor of 100 over the
previous observatory polarimeter. The characteristics of the instrument that allow this goal are briefly discussed and the
planned science observations are presented. They include exoplanets near their host star (hot Jupiters), transiting
exoplanets, stars with debris disks, young stars with proto-planetary disks, brown dwarfs, massive Wolf-Rayet stars and
comets. The details of the optical and mechanical designs are presented in two other papers.
SPIRou is a near-IR echelle spectropolarimeter and high-precision velocimeter under construction as a next-
generation instrument for the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope. It is designed to cover a very wide simultaneous
near-IR spectral range (0.98-2.35 μm) at a resolving power of 73.5K, providing unpolarized and polarized
spectra of low-mass stars at a radial velocity (RV) precision of 1m/s. The main science goals of SPIRou are
the detection of habitable super-Earths around low-mass stars and the study of stellar magnetism of star at
the early stages of their formation. Following a successful final design review in Spring 2014, SPIRou is now
under construction and is scheduled to see first light in late 2017. We present an overview of key aspects of
SPIRou’s optical and mechanical design.
KEYWORDS: Stars, Calibration, Control systems, Telescopes, Spectrographs, Sensors, Control systems design, Temperature metrology, Optical benches, Lamps
SPIRou is a near-IR (0.98-2.35μm), echelle spectropolarimeter / high precision velocimeter being designed as a nextgeneration
instrument for the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, with the main goals of
detecting Earth-like planets around low-mass stars and magnetic fields of forming stars. The unique scientific and
technical capabilities of SPIRou are described in a series of eight companion papers. In this paper, the means of
controlling the instrument are discussed. Most of the instrument control is fairly normal, using off-the-shelf components
where possible and reusing already available code for these components. Some aspects, however, are more challenging.
In particular, the paper will focus on the challenges of doing fast (50 Hz) guiding with 30 mas repeatability using the
object being observed as a reference and on thermally stabilizing a large optical bench to a very high precision (~1 mK).μ
SPIRou is a near-infrared, echelle spectropolarimeter/velocimeter under design for the 3.6m Canada-France-
Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The unique scientific capabilities and technical design features
are described in the accompanying papers at this conference. In this paper we focus on the data reduction software
(DRS) and the data simulation tool. The SPIRou DRS builds upon the experience of the existing SOPHIE,
HARPS and ESPADONS spectrographs; class-leaders instruments for high-precision RV measurements and
spectropolarimetry. While SPIRou shares many characteristics with these instruments, moving to the near-
infrared domain brings specific data-processing challenges: the presence of a large number of telluric absorption
lines, strong emission sky lines, thermal background, science arrays with poorer cosmetics, etc. In order for the
DRS to be fully functional for SPIRou's first light in 2015, we developed a data simulation tool that incorporates
numerous instrumental and observational e_ects. We present an overview of the DRS and the simulation tool
SPIRou is a near-infrared, echelle spectropolarimeter/velocimeter under design for the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii
Telescope (CFHT) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The unique scientific capabilities and technical design features are described
in the accompanying (eight) papers at this conference. In this paper we focus on the lens design of the optical
spectrograph. The SPIROU spectrograph is a near infrared fiber fed double pass cross dispersed spectrograph. The
cryogenic spectrograph is connected with the Cassegrain unit by the two science fibers. It is also fed by the fiber coming
from the calibration box and RV reference module of the instrument. It includes 2 off-axis parabolas (1 in double pass),
an echelle grating, a train of cross disperser prisms (in double pass), a flat folding mirror, a refractive camera and a
detector. This paper describes the optical design of the spectrograph unit and estimates the performances. In particular,
the echelle grating options are discussed as the goal grating is not available from the market.
The following article describes the coatings of both Fabry-Perot (FP) etalons to be installed in the integral
field spectrometer 3D-NTT. This simultaneous use of two FP etalons of high and low resolution respectively
is the new concept upon which the 3D-NTT is built. Design and fabrication of the coatings of those etalons is
a critical step to be able to achieve the desired performances of the instrument. More precisely, these etalons
will have to show less than a 10% variation of the finesse from 370 to 900nm and a better than lambda/100
cumulative optical uniformity over a Ø100mm surface. The aim is thus to design high-reflectivity coatings for
each of the FP etalon. The design process of the two sets of coatings will be described first, then the expected
performances of each etalon will be presented and finally the progresses in the making of these coatings will be
The 3D-NTT is a visible integral field spectro-imager offering two modes. A low resolution mode (R ~ 300 to 6 000)
with a large field of view Tunable Filter (17'x17') and a high resolution mode (R ~ 10 000 to 40 000)
with a scanning Fabry-Perot (7'x7'). It will be operated as a visitor instrument on the NTT from 2009.
Two large programmes will be led: "Characterizing the interstellar medium of nearby galaxies with 2D maps of
extinction and abundances" (PI M. Marcelin) and "Gas accretion and radiative feedback in the early universe" (PI J.
Bland Hawthorn). Both will be mainly based on the Tunable Filter mode. This instrument is being built as a
collaborative effort between LAM (Marseille), GEPI (Paris) and LAE (Montreal). The website adress of the instrument
is :
GHαFaS is a new Fabry-Perot system available at the William Herschel Telescope. It was mounted, for the first
time, at the Nasmyth focus of the 4.2 m WHT in La Palma in 2007 July. With a spectral resolution of the order
R~15000 and a seeing limited spatial resolution, GHαFaS provides a new look at the Hα-emitting gas over a 4
arcminutes circular field in the nearby universe. Many types of objects can be observed with a scanning Fabry-Perot system on a 4.2 m class telescope such as galaxies, HII regions, planetary nebulae, supernova remnants
outflows from stars and the diffuse interstellar medium. Astronomers from the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique
Experimentale (LAE) in Montreal, the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM), and the Instituto de
Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), have inaugurated GHαFaS by studying in detail the dynamics of nearby spiral
galaxies. A robust set of tools for reducing and analyzing the data cubes obtained with GHαFaS has also been
The Smart Tunable Filter is a new spectrograph providing a continuous field of view of 4'×4' sampled at 56 mas using
the technology of imaging Bragg Tunable Filter (BTF) and a scanning Fabry-Perot tunable filter. 48 holographic gratings
photoinscripted helicoidally in a doped glass cylinder and preceded by 4 tunable BTF are used to study 52 emission lines
selected between the main OH night sky lines. The Smart Tunable Filter offers the advantage to be an "opto-ecological"
system providing a complete separation between spectral and spatial information avoiding problems from image slicing
and slit effects. The design can fully operate at cryogenic temperatures for IR purpose. The Fabry-Perot mode operates at
a spectral resolution of 5000 and can be removed to provide a 100 spectral resolution over the 48 fixed gratings. Main
results obtained in laboratory from the first prototype developed in collaboration with Photon etc. Inc. are presented.
Merit factors to compare this instrument to similar ones are studied versus sciences cases.
We report on the science case high level specifications for a wide field spectrograph instrument for an Extremely Large
Telescope (ELT) and present possible concepts. Preliminary designs are presented which resort to different instrument
concepts: monolithic integral field (IFU), multi-IFU, and a smart tunable filter. This work is part of the activities performed
in the work package 'Instrumentation' of the 'ELT Design Study', a programme supported by the European Community,
Framework Programme 6.
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Digital signal processing, Quantum efficiency, Telescopes, Gallium arsenide, Cameras, Signal to noise ratio, Fabry–Perot interferometers, Image intensifiers
We present a third generation instrument using a photon counting camera (IPCS) based on an GaAs photo cathode that can achieve quantum efficiency up to 28%, comparable to a thick CCD, but without readout noise. This system is 10 times more sensitive at the Hα wavelength than previous Fabry Perot system used at the Observatoire du mont Mégantic. In terms of S/N ratio, the system outperforms CCD for extremely faint fluxes, included AR coated low noise thin CCDs. This system offers up to 1k x 1k pixels which is the largest monolithic IPCS. An original cooling system is used for camera based on a Ranque-Hilsh vortex tube. The real-time centering is done by a scalable DSP board. FaNTOmM is the association of a focal reducer (PANORAMIX: the 1.6m mont Megantic OmM telescope focal reducer), a Fabry Perot etalon and an IPCS. Preliminary results obtained with the 1.6m mont Megantic telescope are presented.
An imaging polarimeter for the visible has been built for the mont Megantic Observatory. It uses a new design with a Foster prism which allows to obtain the two orthogonal beams of polarized light onto the detector at the same time, thus alleviating calibration problems associated with variations in the sky transparency during the observations. The field of view is 2.4 arc minutes at the f/15 focus of the telescope. A rotating achromatic half-wave plate is used to get all the linear polarization components and eliminate systematic calibration effects. Circularly polarized images can also be obtained by substituting a quarter-wave plate for the rotating half-wave plate. A user-friendly software for carrying out the data reduction has been developed.
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