Dr. Nancy C. Stoffel
Director/Microsystems Packaging at GE Research
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (6)

Proceedings Article | 8 May 2018 Presentation + Paper
Nancy Stoffel, Emad Andarawis, Cheng-Po Chen, Jeffrey Mayton, Sam Murley, Paul Holdredge, Duncan Boyce
Proceedings Volume 10639, 106391E (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2306534
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Injuries, Electronics, Signal detection, Safety, Manufacturing, Personal protective equipment, Standards development, Signal processing, Databases

Proceedings Article | 13 July 2010 Paper
K. Kolb, N. Stoffel, B. Douglas, C. Maloney, A. Raisanen, B. Ashe, D. Figer, T. Tamagawa, B. Halpern, Zeljko Ignjatovic
Proceedings Volume 7742, 77420C (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.857510
KEYWORDS: Metals, Polymers, Indium, Sensors, Photodiodes, Readout integrated circuits, Photoresist processing, Etching, Semiconducting wafers, CMOS sensors

Proceedings Article | 5 May 2010 Paper
Ellen Holthoff, John Bender, Paul Pellegrino, Almon Fisher, Nancy Stoffel
Proceedings Volume 7665, 766510 (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.850118
KEYWORDS: Photoacoustic spectroscopy, Sensors, Quantum cascade lasers, Absorbance, Resonators, FT-IR spectroscopy, Gases, Signal detection, Calibration, Molecular spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 23 April 2008 Paper
Rebecca Bussjager, Reinhard Erdmann, Richard Michalak, Paul Cook, Brian McKeon, Henry Zmuda, Songsheng Tan, Nancy Stoffel, Charles Schick, Terrance McDonald, Paul Yu, Ivan Shubin, Xiaobo Xie
Proceedings Volume 6975, 69750N (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.784225
KEYWORDS: Prototyping, Modulators, Waveguides, Analog electronics, Sensors, Analytical research, Intermodulation, Modulation, High dynamic range imaging, Distortion

Proceedings Article | 23 April 2008 Paper
Songsheng Tan, Nancy Stoffel, Charles Shick, Terrance McDonald, Al Whitbeck, Reinhard Erdmann, Richard Michalak, Rebecca Bussjager, Ivan Shubin, Paul Yu
Proceedings Volume 6975, 69750O (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.782926
KEYWORDS: Waveguides, Modulators, Laser welding, Sensors, Connectors, Fiber lasers, Metals, Optical fibers, Packaging, Fiber couplers

Proceedings Article | 12 May 2006 Paper
Rebecca Bussjager, Reinhard Erdmann, Vassillios Kovanis, Brian McKeon, Michael Fanto, Steve Johns, Michael Hayduk, Joseph Osman, Alan Morrow, Malcolm Green, Nancy Stoffel, Songsheng Tan, Charles Shick, Wesley Bacon, Bryan Beaman
Proceedings Volume 6243, 62430J (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.670325
KEYWORDS: Switching, Modulation, Modulators, Semiconductor lasers, Diamond, Optical fibers, Logic, Modes of laser operation, Semiconductors

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