Prof. Nail A. Inogamov
at LD Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (12)

Proceedings Article | 17 May 2017 Presentation + Paper
A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, M. Ishino, N. Inogamov, V. Zhakhovsky, I. Skobelev, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, M. Kando, R. Kodama, T. Kawachi
Proceedings Volume 10243, 102430S (2017)
KEYWORDS: Foam, X-ray lasers, Laser ablation, Metals, Gold, Copper, Aluminum, Dielectrics, X-rays, Laser induced fluorescence, Picosecond phenomena

Proceedings Article | 22 September 2015 Paper
Masahiko Ishino, Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Tatiana Pikuz, Igor Skobelev, Anatoly Faenov, Nail Inogamov, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa
Proceedings Volume 9589, 958904 (2015)
KEYWORDS: Picosecond phenomena, X-ray lasers, Laser ablation, Laser induced fluorescence, CMOS sensors, Cameras, Aluminum, Copper, Visible radiation, Plasma

Proceedings Article | 22 September 2015 Open Access Paper
Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Takuro Tomita, Naofumi Ohnishi, Atsushi Ito, Takashi Eyama, Naoya Kakimoto, Rui Idutsu, Yasuo Minami, Motoyoshi Baba, Anatoly Faenov, Nail Inogamov, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa, Tohru Suemoto
Proceedings Volume 9589, 95890A (2015)
KEYWORDS: Picosecond phenomena, Laser ablation, X-rays, Sapphire lasers, Imaging systems, X-ray lasers, Reflectivity, Surface roughness, X-ray imaging, Platinum

Proceedings Article | 22 September 2015 Paper
M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi, N. Hasegawa, M. Ishino, Y. Minami, T. Suemoto, N. Ohnishi, A. Ito, K. Sato, A. Faenov, N. Inogamov, M. Yamagiwa
Proceedings Volume 9589, 958902 (2015)
KEYWORDS: Laser ablation, X-ray lasers, X-rays, Femtosecond phenomena, Picosecond phenomena, Plasma, X-ray imaging, Double sideband modulation, Laser processing, Mirrors

Proceedings Article | 28 November 2013 Paper
Kirill Migdal, Yurii Petrov, Nail Inogamov
Proceedings Volume 9065, 906503 (2013)
KEYWORDS: Tellurium, Electrons, Copper, Metals, Gold, S band, Transition metals, Scattering, Iron, Ions

Showing 5 of 12 publications
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