Dr. Moiz U. Ahmad
at Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (6)

SPIE Journal Paper | 22 August 2024
A. Kyle Jones, Moiz Ahmad, Shaan Raza, Stephen Chen, Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen
JMI, Vol. 11, Issue 04, 043503, (August 2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JMI.11.4.043503
KEYWORDS: Modulation transfer functions, Imaging systems, Cone beam computed tomography, Computed tomography, Image quality, Head, Spatial resolution, Skull, Reconstruction algorithms, Voxels

Proceedings Article | 7 May 2024 Presentation + Paper
Parvathy Pillai, Jeffrey Siewerdsen, Tatiana Rypinski, Anshuj Deva, Bhavin Soni, A. Kyle Jones, Moiz Ahmad
Proceedings Volume 12925, 1292517 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3008465
KEYWORDS: Modulation transfer functions, Computed tomography, Image quality, Quality control, Imaging systems, Spatial resolution, Signal detection, Cancer, Abdomen, 3D image processing

Proceedings Article | 7 April 2023 Presentation + Paper
A. Kyle Jones, Moiz Ahmad, Shaan Raza, Stephen Chen, Jeffrey Siewerdsen
Proceedings Volume 12463, 1246313 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2654347
KEYWORDS: Imaging systems, Cone beam computed tomography, Image quality, Computed tomography, Image guided intervention, Head, Voxels, Quantum sampling

Proceedings Article | 17 March 2011 Paper
Moiz Ahmad, Tinsu Pan
Proceedings Volume 7961, 79615R (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.878919
KEYWORDS: Lung, Tumors, Computed tomography, Radiotherapy, Temporal resolution, Tomography, 3D modeling, 3D image processing, Optical spheres, Composites

Proceedings Article | 16 March 2011 Paper
Moiz Ahmad, Tinsu Pan
Proceedings Volume 7961, 79615T (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.878902
KEYWORDS: Image quality, Radiotherapy, Lung, Computer simulations, Tumors, Computed tomography, Temporal resolution, Imaging systems, Image quality standards, X-ray computed tomography

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