Our structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is based on a spatial light modulator (SLM) instead of an illumination mask, which does not need to be attached to a linear stage. This SIM can easily design the period of the one-dimensional grid related to the optical sectioning strength and can rapidly acquire three-dimensional data. The optimization of SIM with an SLM is proposed. Previous studies primarily varied magnification with a high numerical aperture objective to optimize the axial response. It is feasible to obtain the maximum optical sectioning strength by designing a grid pattern that has an appropriately high spatial frequency and to uniformly cover the entire frequency spectrum of the sample by rotating a grid pattern. We have successfully optimized SIM with such a grid and covered the frequency spectrum by rotating a grid pattern in multiple orientations.
Filters for speckle reduction are applied on numerical reconstructions of hologram, and not on the hologram itself. Then, optical reconstruction cannot be performed. We propose a method based on direct-binary search (DBS) algorithm to generate binary holograms that can be reconstructed optically after application of a speckle reduction filter. Since the optimization procedure of the DBS algorithm is performed in the image plane, speckle reduction techniques can be applied on the complex hologram and used as a reference to obtain a binary pattern where the speckle noise generated during the recording of the hologram has been filtered.
Reconstruction distance of hologram is fixed and distance between SLM and beam splitter should be the same for the two devices. In this paper, we study the effect of having different reconstruction distance for the real and imaginary hologram. We performed simulations and explained the result with the scalar diffraction theory. A method to compensate numerically the reconstruction distance is proposed for on-axis configuration. This method can also be applied to modify reconstruction distance of Fresnel hologram displayed with a single SLM and has potential application in RGB holographic reconstruction
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