Prof. Michael C. Roggemann
Research Scientist
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Publications (114)

SPIE Journal Paper | 5 July 2018
Corey Packard, Raymond Shaw, Will Cantrell, Greg Kinney, Michael Roggemann, John Valenzuela
JARS, Vol. 12, Issue 04, 042404, (July 2018)
KEYWORDS: Modulation transfer functions, Aerosols, Clouds, Atmospheric particles, Sensors, Scattering, Point spread functions, Imaging systems, Light scattering, Atmospheric modeling

Proceedings Article | 19 October 2016 Paper
Corey Packard, David Ciochetto, Will Cantrell, Michael Roggemann, Raymond Shaw
Proceedings Volume 10002, 100020E (2016)
KEYWORDS: Clouds, Atmospheric optics, Aerosols, Atmospheric particles, Scattering, Atmospheric propagation, Point spread functions, Atmospheric modeling, Modulation transfer functions, Fiber optic gyroscopes

SPIE Journal Paper | 14 December 2015 Open Access
Casey Demars, Michael Roggemann, Timothy Havens
OE, Vol. 54, Issue 12, 123106, (December 2015)
KEYWORDS: Long wavelength infrared, Mid-IR, Target detection, Near infrared, Detection and tracking algorithms, Image fusion, Visible radiation, Video, Optical engineering, Optical tracking

SPIE Journal Paper | 2 March 2015
OE, Vol. 54, Issue 03, 033101, (March 2015)
KEYWORDS: Aerosols, Fiber optic gyroscopes, Signal to noise ratio, Scattering, Point spread functions, Imaging systems, Atmospheric particles, Atmospheric modeling, Modulation transfer functions, Atmospheric optics

SPIE Journal Paper | 9 January 2015
OE, Vol. 54, Issue 01, 013102, (January 2015)
KEYWORDS: Atmospheric modeling, Signal to noise ratio, Aerosols, Point spread functions, Fiber optic gyroscopes, Air contamination, Imaging systems, Atmospheric particles, Photons, Atmospheric optics

Showing 5 of 114 publications
Proceedings Volume Editor (4)

SPIE Conference Volume | 4 February 2002

SPIE Conference Volume | 17 November 2000

SPIE Conference Volume | 5 October 1999

SPIE Conference Volume | 9 November 1993

Conference Committee Involvement (22)
Unconventional Imaging and Wavefront Sensing XII
31 August 2016 | San Diego, California, United States
Unconventional Imaging and Wavefront Sensing XI
13 August 2015 | San Diego, California, United States
Unconventional Imaging and Wavefront Sensing X
21 August 2014 | San Diego, California, United States
Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans III
17 August 2014 | San Diego, California, United States
Unconventional Imaging and Wavefront Sensing IX
26 August 2013 | San Diego, California, United States
Showing 5 of 22 Conference Committees
Course Instructor
SC196: Imaging Through Turbulence
Atmospheric turbulence limits the resolution of systems which must form images using light which has passed through the atmosphere. The strength of these effects depends upon the imaging geometry and turbulence conditions. This course presents techniques for understanding and predicting the effects of turbulence on imaging systems, and looks at strategies for overcoming these effects. Included in the course are the basics of post detection image processing techniques, and adaptive optics. Emphasis is placed on analytic and simulation-based methods to predict turbulence effects and the performance of various correction schemes.
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