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Generation of ultrashort pulses by saturable absorbers with and without DBR in a red-emitting VECSEL
We present first experiments on SESAM-free mode locking of red-emitting AlGaInP-VECSELs with different cavity geometries based on the assumption of Kerr lensing in the active region. Our semiconductor samples are grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy with an active region containing GaInP quantum wells embedded in AlGaInP barriers and cladding layers. In order to exploit the effect of Kerr lensing, a slit is placed inside the cavity acting as a hard aperture. When the beam width is confined, pulsed operation is observed by oscilloscope and autocorrelation measurements. Ongoing research is focusing on a detailed characterization of the pulsed laser to improve one's understanding of the obtained SESAM-free mode-locked operation.
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