Proceedings Article | 9 March 2014
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Satellites, Smart structures, Sun, Aerospace engineering, Manufacturing, Composites, Fiber Bragg gratings, Electronics, Temperature metrology
The present manuscript is aimed at describing the PEASSS – PiezoElectric Assisted Smart Satellite Structure project, which was initiated at the beginning of 2013 and financed by the Seventh Framework Program (FP7) of the European Commission. The aims of the project were to develop, manufacture, test and qualify “smart structures” which combine composite panels, piezoelectric materials, and next generation sensors, for autonomously improved pointing accuracy and power generation in space. The smart panels will enable fine angle control, and thermal and vibration compensation, improving all types of future Earth observations, such as environmental and planetary mapping, border and regional imaging. This new technology will help keep Europe on the cutting edge of space research, potentially improving the cost and development time for more accurate future sensor platforms including synthetic aperture optics, moving target detection and identification, and compact radars. The system components include new nano-satellite electronics, a piezo power generation system based on the pyroelectric effect, a piezo actuated smart structure, and a fiber-optic sensor and interrogator system. The present paper will deal only with two of the components, namely the piezo power generation system and the piezo actuated smart structure The designs are going to be prototyped into breadboard models for functional development and testing. Following completion of operational breadboards, components will evolve to flight-test ready hardware and related software, ready to be integrated into a working satellite. Once the nanosattelite is assembled, on ground tests will be performed. Finally, the satellite will be launched and tested in space at the end of 2015.