Launched in February 2024, the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission represents NASA’s next investment in ocean biology, clouds, and aerosol data records. The Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) is the primary instrument supporting PACE by collecting accurate radiometric data of the Earth by observing the top of atmosphere reflectance and is a combination hyperspectral (ultra-violet to near infrared) / multiband imager (shortwave infrared). An important aspect of the radiometry is the ability of OCI to resolve contrast from scene to scene to achieve data accuracy requirements. This paper reviews the analysis that was performed to verify the modulation transfer function (MTF) requirement levied against the instrument and presents the supportive test data collected during pre-launch instrument testing to supplement the analysis. The requirements levied against OCI drove to a 1.2km2 ground resolution leading to a Nyquist period of 2.4km (0.417cycles/km). The analysis is comprehensive with incorporation of as many contributors as practical to provide the clearest possible picture of the margin against requirements. The analysis provided input for additional design trade studies and insight into the aspects of the design that required the most attention during the implementation phase. We describe four separate MTF contributor networks based on the instrument design and mutual exclusivity of contributing factors. The various networks represent the hyperspectral and multiband detection systems separately as well as the along track and cross track imaging dimensions. Ground-test was performed against the MTF primary contributors and the results were used to validate the analysis as will be presented here.
The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite is a strategic climate continuity mission that will answer new and emerging advanced science questions related to Earth’s changing climate. These science goals are accomplished via PACE’s main optical instrument, a sophisticated spectrograph, the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) consisting of UV/VIS and VIS/NIR channels each complete with a dichroic, grating, and detector. We will overview the characterization methods used for each component, with respect to its metrology targets, and further discuss how baseline characterization served as a proxy when lines of sight to the optical components’ boresights were lost in later integration steps.
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (“Roman”) was prioritized by the 2010 Decadal Survey in Astronomy & Astrophysics and is NASA’s next flagship observatory. Launching no earlier than 2026, Roman will explore the nature of dark energy, as well as expand the census of exoplanets in our galaxy via microlensing. Roman will also demonstrate key technology needed to image and spectrally characterize extra-solar planets. Roman’s large field of view, agile survey capabilities, and excellent stability enable these scientific objectives, yet present unique challenges for the design, test, and verification of its optical system. The Roman optical system comprises an optical telescope assembly (OTA) and two instruments: the primary science wide-field instrument (WFI) and a technology demonstration coronagraph instrument (CGI), and the instrument carrier (IC), which meters the OTA to each instrument. This paper presents a status of the optical system hardware as it begins integration and test (I&T), as well as describes key optical test, alignment, and verification activities as part of the I&T program.
Touch-probing with a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) is not new but contact-measuring a sensitive optic for use in space flight or other vacuum applications is usually considered high risk and avoided at all costs due to specialty substrate materials, optical thin film coatings, and tight surface error tolerances needed for high performance systems operating at challenging wavelengths. In an environmentally controlled cleanroom with a CMM, we inspect the surface damage from touch-probing a variety of optics for use in space flight missions. Motivation comes from the requirement to both characterize an optic and its coordinate system for use in complex, opto-mechanical alignments with single-digit micron accuracies. Currently, a multi-step/instrument process is performed to prevent surface damage, relate the optic’s reference frame to metrology targets on a mount or other associated hardware, and then confidently track the optic’s orientation throughout integration and test. Disadvantages of this measurement combination include error stack-ups, hardware-handling safety, increased exposure to contamination, multiple instrument availability, personnel logistics, and extended schedules. We report on experiments with techniques to mitigate these risks, to create a catalog capturing the measurement parameters used on each space-qualified substrate and coating, and to show surface damage results on the order of single-digit nanometers after touch-probing. Until non-contact, continuous-measurement, multi-axis probes with high accuracy exist, this touch-probing technique shows promise for absolute metrology on sensitive, space flight optics by reducing the risks of conventional multi-step/instrument processes.
The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission represents NASA’s next investment in satellite ocean color and the study of Earth’s ocean-atmosphere system, enabling new insights into oceanographic and atmospheric responses to Earth's changing climate. PACE objectives include extending systematic cloud, aerosol, ocean biological and biogeochemical data records, making essential ocean color measurements to further understand marine carbon cycles and ecosystem responses to a changing climate, as well as improving knowledge of how aerosols influence ocean ecosystems and, conversely, how ocean ecosystems and photochemical processes affect the atmosphere. PACE objectives also encompass management of fisheries, large freshwater bodies, and water quality and reducing uncertainties in climate and radiative forcing models of the Earth system. PACE observations will also provide information on radiative properties of land surfaces and characterization of the vegetation and soils that dominate their reflectance. The primary PACE instrument – the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) – is a hyperspectral imaging radiometer that spans the ultraviolet to shortwave infrared, with a ground sample distance of 1-km at nadir. This includes continuous collection of spectra from 340 nm to 890 nm in 5 nm steps. The PACE payload is complemented by two multi-angle polarimeters with spectral ranges that span the visible to near-infrared region. Scheduled for launch in late 2022-to-early 2023, the PACE observatory will enable significant advances in the study of Earth’s biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, clouds, hydrosols, and aerosols in the ocean-atmosphere system. We present a brief overview of the PACE mission, followed by a discussion of the capabilities and design concept of OCI.
The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and its partners have broad experience in the alignment of flight optical instruments and spacecraft structures. Over decades, GSFC developed alignment capabilities and techniques for a variety of optical and aerospace applications. In this paper, we provide an overview of a subset of the capabilities and techniques used on several recent projects in a “toolbox” format. We discuss a range of applications, from small-scale optical alignment of sensors to mirror and bench examples that make use of various large-volume metrology techniques. We also discuss instruments and analytical tools.
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a 6.6m diameter, segmented, deployable telescope for cryogenic IR space astronomy. The JWST Observatory architecture includes the Optical Telescope Element (OTE) and the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) element which contains four science instruments (SI), including a guider. The SIs and guider are mounted to a composite metering structure with outer envelope approximate measurements of 2.2x2.2x1.7m. These SI units are integrated to the ISIM structure and optically tested at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center as an instrument suite using an Optical telescope element SIMulator (OSIM). OSIM is a high-fidelity, cryogenic JWST simulator that features a ~1.5m diameter powered mirror. The SIs are aligned to the flight structure’s coordinate system under ambient, clean room conditions using opto-mechanical metrology and customized interfaces. OSIM is aligned to the ISIM mechanical coordinate system at the cryogenic operating temperature via internal mechanisms and feedback from alignment sensors and metrology in six degrees of freedom. SI performance, including focus, pupil shear, pupil roll, boresight, wavefront error, and image quality, is evaluated at the operating temperature using OSIM. This work reports on the as-run ambient assembly and ambient alignment steps for the flight ISIM, including SI interface fixtures and customization and kinematic mount adjustment. The ISIM alignment plan consists of multiple steps to meet the “absolute” alignment requirements of the SIs and OSIM to the flight coordinate system. In this paper, we focus on key aspects of absolute, optical-mechanical alignment. We discuss various metrology and alignment techniques. In addition, we summarize our approach for dealing with and the results of ground-test factors, such as gravity.
KEYWORDS: James Webb Space Telescope, Optical components, Space telescopes, Optical testing, Sensors, Calibration, Data modeling, Human-machine interfaces, Error analysis, Analytical research
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a 6.5m diameter, segmented, deployable telescope for cryogenic IR space astronomy. The JWST Observatory includes the Optical Telescope Element (OTE) and the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM), that contains four science instruments (SI) and the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS). The SIs are mounted to a composite metering structure. The SIs and FGS were integrated to the ISIM structure and optically tested at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center using the Optical Telescope Element SIMulator (OSIM). OSIM is a full-field, cryogenic JWST telescope simulator. SI performance, including alignment and wavefront error, was evaluated using OSIM. We describe test and analysis methods for optical performance verification of the ISIM Element, with an emphasis on the processes used to plan and execute the test. The complexity of ISIM and OSIM drove us to develop a software tool for test planning that allows for configuration control of observations, implementation of associated scripts, and management of hardware and software limits and constraints, as well as tools for rapid data evaluation, and flexible re-planning in response to the unexpected. As examples of our test and analysis approach, we discuss how factors such as the ground test thermal environment are compensated in alignment. We describe how these innovative methods for test planning and execution and post-test analysis were instrumental in the verification program for the ISIM element, with enough information to allow the reader to consider these innovations and lessons learned in this successful effort in their future testing for other programs.
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a 6.5m diameter, segmented, deployable telescope for cryogenic IR space astronomy (~40K). The JWST Observatory architecture includes the Optical Telescope Element (OTE) and the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) element that contains four science instruments (SI), including a guider. OSIM is a full field, cryogenic, optical simulator of the JWST OTE. It is the “Master Tool” for verifying the cryogenic alignment and optical performance of ISIM by providing simulated point source/star images to each of the four Science Instruments in ISIM. Included in OSIM is a Pupil Imaging Module (PIM) - a large format CCD used for measuring pupil alignment. Located at a virtual stop location within OSIM, the PIM records superimposed shadow images of pupil alignment reference (PAR) targets located in the OSIM and SI pupils. The OSIM Pupil Imaging Module was described by Brent Bos, et al, at SPIE in 2011 prior to ISIM testing. We have recently completed the third and final ISIM cryogenic performance verification test before ISIM was integrated with the OTE. In this paper, we describe PIM implementation, performance, and measurement results.
This paper describes the critical instrument alignment terms associated with the six-degree of freedom alignment of each the Science Instrument (SI) in the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), including focus, pupil shear, pupil clocking, and boresight. We present the test methods used during cryogenic-vacuum tests to directly measure the performance of each parameter, the requirements levied on each, and the impact of any violations of these requirements at the instrument and Observatory level.
OSIM is a full field, cryogenic, optical simulator of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Optical Telescope Element (OTE). It is the “Master Tool” for verifying the cryogenic alignment and optical performance of the JWST Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) by providing simulated point source/star images individually or simultaneously to each of the four Science Instruments in ISIM. Additionally, each star image can be scanned in focus to support the evaluation of both image quality and best focus for each Science Instrument. OSIM has recently completed supporting the ISIM performance verification test campaign which spanned three separate cryogenic test campaigns over 3 years. In this paper, we describe the alignment to the JWST coordinate system at cryogenic temperatures, OSIM optical performance, repeatability, and its role in testing the cryogenic optical performance of the individual Science Instruments in addition to providing calibration data needed for flight operations.
Optical alignment and testing of the Integrated Science Instrument Module of the James Webb Space Telescope is underway. We describe the Optical Telescope Element Simulator used to feed the science instruments with point images of precisely known location and chief ray pointing, at appropriate wavelengths and flux levels, in vacuum and at operating temperature. The simulator's capabilities include a number of devices for in situ monitoring of source flux, wavefront error, pupil illumination, image position and chief ray angle. Taken together, these functions become a fascinating example of how the first order properties and constructs of an optical design (coordinate systems, image surface and pupil location) acquire measurable meaning in a real system. We illustrate these functions with experimental data, and describe the ray tracing system used to provide both pointing control during operation and analysis support subsequently. Prescription management takes the form of optimization and fitting. Our core tools employ a matrix/vector ray tracing model which proves broadly useful in optical engineering problems. We spell out its mathematical basis, and illustrate its use in ray tracing plane mirror systems relevant to optical metrology such as a pentaprism and corner cube.
Three phase plates were designed to simulate the JWST segmented primary mirror wavefront at three on-orbit alignment
stages: coarse phasing, intermediate phasing, and fine phasing. The purpose is to verify JWST's on-orbit wavefront
sensing capability. Amongst the three stages, coarse alignment is defined to have piston error between adjacent
segments being 30 μm to 300 μm, intermediate being 0.4 μm to 10 μm, and fine being below 0.4 μm. The phase plates
were made of fused silica, and were assembled in JWST Optical Simulator (OSIM). The piston difference was realized
by the thickness difference of two adjacent segments. The two important parameters to phase plates are piston and
wavefront errors. Dispersed Fringe Sensor (DFS) method was used for initial coarse piston evaluation, which is the
emphasis of this paper. Point Diffraction Interferometer (PDI) is used for fine piston and wavefront error. In order to
remove piston's 2π uncertainty with PDI, three laser wavelengths, 640nm, 660nm, and 780nm, are used for the
measurement. The DHS test setup, analysis algorithm and results are presented. The phase plate design concept and its
application (i.e. verifying the JWST on-orbit alignment algorithm) are described. The layout of JWST OSIM and the
function of phase plates in OSIM are also addressed briefly.
For many optical systems the properties and alignment of the internal apertures and pupils are not critical or controlled
with high precision during optical system design, fabrication or assembly. In wide angle imaging systems, for instance,
the entrance pupil position and orientation is typically unconstrained and varies over the system's field of view in order
to optimize image quality. Aperture tolerances usually do not receive the same amount of scrutiny as optical surface
aberrations or throughput characteristics because performance degradation is typically graceful with misalignment,
generally only causing a slight reduction in system sensitivity due to vignetting. But for a large deployable space-based
observatory like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), we have found that pupil alignment is a key parameter. For
in addition to vignetting, JWST pupil errors cause uncertainty in the wavefront sensing process that is used to construct
the observatory on-orbit. Furthermore they also open stray light paths that degrade the science return from some of the
telescope's instrument channels. In response to these consequences, we have developed several pupil measurement
techniques for the cryogenic vacuum test where JWST science instrument pupil alignment is verified. These approaches
use pupil alignment references within the JWST science instruments; pupil imaging lenses in three science instrument
channels; and unique pupil characterization features in the optical test equipment. This will allow us to verify and
crosscheck the lateral pupil alignment of the JWST science instruments to approximately 1-2% of their pupil diameters.
The James Webb Space Telescope Integrated Science Instrument Module utilizes two fixtures to
align the Optical Telescope Element Simulator (OSIM) to the coordinate systems established on the
ISIM and the ISIM Test Platform (ITP). These fixtures contain targets which are visible to the OSIM
Alignment Diagnostics Module (ADM). Requirements on these fixtures must be met under ambient and
cryogenic conditions. This paper discusses the cryogenic metrology involving Laser Radar
measurements through a chamber window that will be used to link photogrammetry target measurements
used during ISIM structure cryogenic verification and the ADM targets, including evaluation of
distortion introduced from the window.
Joe Sullivan, Bill Eichhorn, Rob von Handorf, Derek Sabatke, Nick Barr, Rich Nyquist, Bob Pederson, Rick Bennnett, Paul Volmer, Dave Happs, Adrian Nagle, Rick Ortiz, Tony Kouri, Paul Hauser, Jon Seerveld, Dave Kubalak, Brad Greeley, Claef Hakun, Doug Leviton, Qian Gong, Pam Davila, Ray Ohl, Jeff Kirk, Clint Davis, Jenny Chu, Erin Wilson, Bill Chang, Steve Mann, Robert Rashford, Corbett Smith
OSIM is a full field, cryogenic, optical simulator of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Optical Telescope
Element (OTE). It provides simulated point source/star images for optical performance testing of the JWST Integrated
Science Instrument Module (ISIM). OSIM is currently being assembled at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).
In this paper, we describe the capabilities, design, manufacturing and integration status, and uses of the OSIM during the
optical test program of ISIM and the Science Instruments. Where applicable, the ISIM tests are also described.
The Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI), one of the four instruments on the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) of
the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), supports all of the science objectives of the observatory. MIRI optical
alignment is an important step in the verification process, directly affecting mission success. The MIRI optical alignment
is verified on the ground at the integrated ISIM level using an element in the MIRI Filter Wheel, the pupil alignment
reference (PAR), developed by NASA GSFC and provided to MIRI. It is a ~2.3g aluminum piece that has a flat,
specularly reflective, 3mm diameter surface in its center, with laser-etched fiducials within its aperture. The PAR is
illuminated via an optical stimulus (ground support equipment) and imaged using a pupil imaging camera, during the
ISIM test program in order to determine absolute and relative changes in the alignment that impact pupil shear and roll.
Here we describe the MIRI PAR; its physical properties and challenges during its design, manufacturing, and testing.
The James Webb Space Telescope Observatory will consist of three flight elements: (1) the Optical Telescope Element
(OTE), (2) the Integrated Science Instrument Module Element (ISIM), and (3) the Spacecraft Element. The ISIM
element consists of a composite bench structure that uses kinematic mounts to interface to each of the optical benches of
the three science instruments and the guider. The ISIM is also kinematically mounted to the telescope primary mirror
structure. An enclosure surrounds the ISIM structure, isolates the ISIM region thermally from the other thermal regions
of the Observatory, and serves as a radiator for the science instruments and guider. Cryogenic optical testing of the ISIM
Structure and the Science Instruments will be conducted at Goddard Space Flight Center using an optical telescope
simulator that is being developed by a team from Ball Aerospace and Goddard Space Flight Center, and other local
contractors. This simulator will be used to verify the performance of the ISIM element before delivery to the Northup
Grumman team for integration with the OTE. In this paper, we describe the O
OTE Sim TE Simulator (OSIM) and provide a brief
overview of the optical test program.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space-based, infrared observatory designed to study the early stages of
galaxy formation in the Universe. It is currently scheduled to be launched in 2013 and will go into orbit about the
second Lagrange point of the Sun-Earth system and passively cooled to 30-50 K to enable astronomical observations
from 0.6 to 28 μm. The JWST observatory consists of three primary elements: the spacecraft, the optical telescope
element (OTE) and the integrated science instrument module (ISIM). The ISIM Element primarily consists of a
mechanical metering structure, three science instruments and a fine guidance sensor with significant scientific capability.
One of the critical opto-mechanical alignments for mission success is the co-registration of the OTE exit pupil with the
entrance pupils of the ISIM instruments. To verify that the ISIM Element will be properly aligned with the nominal
OTE exit pupil when the two elements come together, we have developed a cryogenic pupil measurement test
architecture to measure three of the most critical pupil degrees-of-freedom during optical testing of the ISIM Element.
The pupil measurement scheme makes use of: specularly reflective pupil alignment references located inside of the
JWST instruments; ground support equipment that contains a pupil imaging module; an OTE simulator; and pupil
viewing channels in two of the JWST flight instruments. Current modeling and analysis activities indicate this
measurement approach will be able to verify pupil shear to an accuracy of 0.5-1%.
The Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), the third mission in NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probes program,
was launched in 2006 on a two year mission to study solar phenomena. STEREO consists of two nearly identical
satellites, each carrying an Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) telescope as part of the Sun Earth Connection Coronal
and Heliospheric Investigation instrument suite. EUVI is a normal incidence, 98mm diameter, Ritchey-Chrétien
telescope designed to obtain wide field of view images of the Sun at short wavelengths (17.1-30.4nm) using a CCD
detector. The telescope entrance aperture is divided into four quadrants by a mask near the secondary mirror spider
veins. A mechanism that rotates another mask allows only one of these sub-apertures to accept light over an exposure.
The EUVI contains no focus mechanism. Mechanical models predict a difference in telescope focus between ambient
integration conditions and on-orbit operation. We describe an independent check of the ambient, ultraviolet, absolute
focus setting of the EUVI telescopes after they were integrated with their respective spacecraft. A scanning Hartmann-like
test design resulted from constraints imposed by the EUVI aperture select mechanism. This inexpensive test was
simultaneously coordinated with other integration and test activities in a high-vibration, clean room environment. The
total focus test error was required to be better than ±0.05mm. We cover the alignment and test procedure, sources of
statistical and systematic error, data reduction and analysis, and results using various algorithms for determining focus.
The results are consistent with other tests of instrument focus alignment and indicate that the EUVI telescopes meet the
ambient focus offset requirements. STEREO and the EUVI telescopes are functioning well on-orbit.
The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) will fly on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Servicing Mission 3b in late-2001 and includes a Solar Blind Channel (SBC) comprising correcting/magnifying relay optics, a far ultraviolet (FUV) filter selection, and a 1K X 1K multi-anode microchannel array (MAMA) detector with cesium iodide photocathode. In order to characterize SBC's flat field response over its full spectral range and to radiometrically calibrate ACS at two FUV lines through as many SBC filters as possible, a sophisticated and automated STimulus for Ultraviolet Flat Fields (STUFF) was developed whose application extends to other vacuum ultraviolet optical instrumentation having similar characterization requirements. Challenges in STUFF's development and resulting design features are presented along with results from in vacuo characterizations carried out before and during thermal vacuum testing of ACS.
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