We present an optical design concept to create a two-dimensional tweezer array for neutral atom quantum computing. The first part of the setup splits the four input laser beams into 20 individual beam lines that correspond to the columns of the tweezer array. A combination of an acousto-optic deflector (AOD) and a suitable imaging lens for each beam line creates a magnified image of the one-dimensional columns in the tweezer array with a spacing of less than 200 μm. The spacing between the 20 columns is reduced to this value as well to achieve a spot array with an equidistant spacing in both axes. This is done successively in four steps by using a combination of one discrete mirror cascade and three mirror cascades integrated into monolithic mirror arrays. The final tweezer array with a spacing of 3.5 μm is then created by a two-stage telecentric demagnifying lens group. Unlike other approaches to create a two-dimensional tweezer array (e.g. crossed AODs), the use of a separate AOD for each column allows for an independent adjustment of the spacings within each column and thus a flexible adjustment of the local interaction of neighboring atoms. A raytracing analysis demonstrates that the whole setup produces a telecentric and diffraction-limited image of 20 × 100 spots in the following vacuum chamber.
Within this work we demonstrate the efficient nonlinear temporal compression of mJ pulses emitted by an ultrafast thulium-doped fiber laser system. For spectral broadening, a krypton and helium filled Herriott-type multi-pass cell with broadband dielectric mirrors is employed. The input pulses with 1,78 mJ and 85 fs are spectrally broadened and subsequently compressed utilizing fused silica plates revealing a pulse duration below 29 fs while featuring an overall transmission of 91%. In addition to the preservation of the input beam quality, the system exhibits a shot-to-shot noise ratio of less than 1.2% as well as an excellent long-term power stability with fluctuations below 1% over a time span of 2 hours.
The presented results demonstrate the advantageous properties of the multi-pass cell approach: High efficiency and high transversal beam quality at high average power, not only for conventional ultrafast ytterbium-based laser systems at 1 µm wavelength, but also in the mid-infrared regime. We believe that this system, delivering an average power above 162 W and sub-5-cycle pulse duration, provides a promising working point for following secondary source experiments like THz- or high harmonic generation.
Laser welding as a tool for manufacturing highly precise parts for electronic and electro mobility components is gaining worldwide importance. The precise control of energy input is one paramount challenge of welding highly reflective materials with high thermal conductivity such as copper and its alloys. Laser beam wavelengths in the visible range show an increase in absorptivity from < 5% (1030 nm) to ≥ 40% (515 nm) on copper at room temperature and open new options in material processing technologies. This paper presents the in situ observation of laser welding processes on Cu-ETP and CuSn6 with laser beam sources of 1030 nm and 515 nm wavelength using synchrotron radiation at DESY Petra 3 Beamline P07 EH4. The influence of laser power from 1 kW up to 4 kW and feed rates from 50 mm/s up to 500 mm/s on vapor capillary geometry and dynamics with same focal diameters is compared. For the investigations, a synchrotron beam of 2x2 mm2 in size with a photon energy of 89 keV is used for investigation. The material samples are analyzed by means of material phase contrast method to show boundaries between solid, liquid, and gaseous material phases. It is found, that both welding processes show a different geometry of the vapor capillary. A different sensitivity to changes of the feed rate of the welding process is observed. The vapor capillary of the 1030 nm welding process tends to be more sensitive on feed rate changes while showing an overall better weld seam quality. When welding with 515 nm, comparatively higher feed rates lead to better welding results.
The ongoing development of lasers with integrated beam-shaping features offers new opportunities for research in the field of laser beam welding. Main challenges for laser welding of aluminum alloys, such as AW-5083 or AW-6082, are pore formation and cracking. The locally adapted power distribution has a major influence on the keyhole required for deep penetration welding and therefore on occurring weld defects. To determine the reasons, the use of synchrotron radiation during the welding process enables the visibility of the keyhole shape. This investigation contains an analysis of the keyhole and melt pool shape based on the high-speed video images of the synchrotron radiation. The variation of the power ratio of center beam to ring allows a comparison of the influence of the beam shaping method. To stabilize the keyhole, a temporal power modulation is used for the ring. The results show an influence of the ring mode on the keyhole depth and the melt pool shape. The videos allow an analysis of different mechanisms for pore formation, such as the collapse of the keyhole.
The Franco-German »MERLIN Project« was initiated in 2010. The small satellite MERLIN (Methane Remote Sensing LiDAR Mission) will map the methane in the earth’s atmosphere. Fraunhofer ILT has developed the LiDAR laser source and is currently integrating the Engineering Qualification Model. The laser consists of a laser oscillator pumped by fiber coupled diode laser modules, an INNOSLAB amplifier and KTP-based frequency converter. The amplifier pump is based on qcw stacks which are homogenized in the slow axis direction and focused in the fast axis direction. We will present the design of the pump optics and results of reliability tests. In addition, we will give an outlook on the development of a laser source for a future wind LiDAR mission.
Pursuit of an academic career is often co associated with a PhD which also is a qualification for all types of jobs in industry. However, in Germany most PhD programs focus on university-based, basic, and applied research and aim to demonstrate concepts while the transfer to industry and real products is subordinate. This is where Fraunhofer comes in: our natural science and engineering PhD students participate in solving real-world problems for our industrial customers with innovative and scientific approaches while they simultaneously pursue basic research questions with an application relevance for their PhD thesis. As an example, in this paper we present a multiphysics laser diode simulation software (SEMSIS) which was developed within two industrially funded PhD projects at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser technology ILT. In the fusion research, a vast number of high-power laser diodes are used as pump sources for the high-energy pulsed lasers in inertial confinement fusion. Improving their electro-optical efficiency and making them more robust against external optical feedback represents a crucial step towards their use in economically competitive fusion power plants. In the presented simulation software tool SEMSIS, the complex interaction of electrical, optical, thermal as well as mechanical properties and their impact on efficiency, filamentation and reliability of high-power diode lasers can be analyzed to address the previously mentioned requirements in fusion research.
In recent years, Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) has become an industrially established manufacturing technique due to the possibility to manufacture highly complex parts without additional tools. State-of-the-art L-PBF machines use single-mode fiber lasers in combination galvanometer scanners due to their broad availability, high dynamic capability and excellent focusability. To increase system productivity the manufacturing task is parallelized by the utilization of multiple laser-scanner-systems leading to increased machine costs. Alternative approaches for the scaling of L-PBF productivity such as beam shaping and variable laser beam diameters for the use of higher laser powers (PL < 400 W) are hardly used in L-PBF machines. In consequence the high peak intensities of Gaussian intensity distribution with ds = 50 – 100 μm of state-of-the-art L-PBF machines limit the usable laser powers due to the risk of part defects resulting from keyhole formation. Hence, non-Gaussian intensity distribution such as ring-mode laser beams as well as laser beam diameter variation exhibit great potential for high-power L-PBF systems. As part of the Digital Photonic Production (DPP) Research Campus funded by the BMBF L-PBF machine setups with a switchable ring-mode fiber laser and a defocused Gaussian laser intensity distribution were developed, validated and compared for the processing nickel-base alloy 625. By implementation of these approaches build-up rates up to 150% higher than those of conventional L-PBF machines were achieved while maintaining relative densities above 99.9%.
We present a novel device for the efficient, low-noise down-conversion of low-power light from the red visible spectrum. It can be applied to interface electronic spin-qubits in nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond to the telecommunication wavelengths and thus offers the possibility to implement large-scale quantum networks in existing fiber infrastructure. In comparison to state-of-the-art frequency converters for this application, the device presented here generates an overall noise rate, which is one order of magnitude better than current record values. Simultaneously, an internal conversion efficiency of 50 % was measured. Furthermore, the converter serves as a feasibility demonstration of a general concept for the down-conversion of light from the sub-micron spectral range to telecommunication wavelengths.
In Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), there are high demands on the cleanliness of the protective window (PW). During processing, however, process-by-products may accumulate on the PW surface and thereby change the process boundary conditions. In this work, a methodology to assess the condition of PWs in a LPBF machine using a line scan camera is presented. Image processing is used to detect the degree of contamination on the PW surface by using a thresholding algorithm. The line scan camera results are further validated by ex-situ microscopic images of the contaminated surface of the PW. The higher resolution of these images enables the quantification of particle count and size distribution. Moreover, the influence of the contamination degree of the PWs on the beam quality is investigated. A laser focus shift of up to 22.6 mm against the direction of beam propagation within a caustic measurement as well as a minor decrease in relative density of 0.08 pp in 316L samples were detected due to the contamination. Based on this work, methods for monitoring the health condition of PWs in LPBF can be derived.
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion can produce pairs of entangled photons with very different wavelengths. Using SPDC, the scheme of Imaging with Undetected Photons promises to be a versatile tool to facilitate imaging in various spectral ranges and various interferometer designs and geometries. Here, we tackle the task of Imaging with Undetected Photons with a Mach-Zehnder-type Interferometer in MIR. With imaging achieved in a preliminary setup, we investigate the limitations set by nonlinear conversion efficiencies, optical resolution, laser power, and fluorescence of optics on our way to Imaging with Undetected Photons in MIR.
Petawatt laser applications, such as laser plasma acceleration, EUV generation, neutron generation, and materials processing are average-power limited. However, the highest average-power petawatt-class laser to date has an average power of less than 1 kW. Scaling Petawatt-class lasers beyond 10 kW of average power requires a paradigm shift in laser design. To date, average power scaling has been accomplished by increasing the repetition rate of single-shot lasers, in which each shot represents a complete pump/extraction cycle. We propose an alternative scheme, multipulse extraction, in which the gain medium is pumped continuously and the upper state population is extracted over many pulses. This method has two primary benefits: First, because efficient extraction is not necessary in a single pulse, the extraction fluence (and hence the B-integral) can be much lower than in a single pulse design. Second, there isn’t a need to pump within a single inverse lifetime, and therefore less expensive, less complex, and more efficient CW pump sources can be used. Multipulse extraction requires that the gain material have an inverse lifetime significantly less than the desired repetition rate. The design and optimization two multipulse extraction amplifiers, a 10 kHz-100 fs-30J amplifier and a 200 Hz-240 fs-240 J amplifier, will be presented. These point designs have applications in laser plasma acceleration and neutron generation, respectively
Novel architectures of Petawatt-class, high peak power laser systems that allow operating at high repetition rates are opening a new arena of commercial applications of secondary sources and discovery science. The natural path to higher average power is the reduction of the total heat load induced and generated in the laser gain medium and eliminating other inefficiencies with the goal to turn more energy into laser photons while maintaining good beam quality. However, the laser architecture must be tailored to the specific application and laser parameters such as wavelength, peak power and intensity, pulse length, and shot rate must be optimized. We have developed a number of different concepts tailored to secondary source generation that minimize inefficiencies and maximize the average power. The Scalable Highaverage- power Advanced Radiographic Capability (SHARC) and the Big Aperture Thulium (BAT) laser are examples of two such high average power laser concepts; SHARC is designed for production of ion beams and x-rays, and exploration of high energy density physics at 1.5 kW average power, and BAT is envisioned for driving laser-based electron accelerators at 300 kW average power.
We present a study of the temporal pre-pulse contrast degradation of high focused intensity pulses produced in CPA laser systems due to imperfections in amplifier design, alignment of amplifier components, and crystal inhomogenity. Using a measurement technique we have developed, we demonstrate the presence of multiple crystal domains inside Ti:sapphire slabs with ≈10 cm diameter. The results of our numeric calculations show that crystalline c-axis orientation inhomogenity caused by these crystal domains can lead to generation of pre-pulses with relative contrast >10-10 within several picoseconds before the main pulse. In a multiple-slab amplifier head configuration sometimes used in high repetition rate systems, the misalignment of the amplifier slabs crystalline c-axes with respect to each other can lead to the generation of pre-pulses with relative contrast as high as 10-6, depending on the magnitude of misalignment.
New control techniques are required to utilize the full potential of next generation high-energy high-repetition-rate pulses lasers while ensuring their safe operation. During automated optimization of an experiment, the control system is required to identify and reject unsafe laser configurations proposed by the optimizer. Using conventional physics codes render impossible when applied to a high energy laser system with 1ms or less time between shots, and also including laser fluctuations and drift. To mitigate this, we are using a deep Bayesian neural network to map the laser’s input power spectrum to its output power spectrum and demonstrate the speed of this approach. The Bayesian neural network can provide an estimate of its own uncertainty as a function of wavelength. A recently developed algorithm enables the uncertainty to be calculated inexpensively using multiple dropout layers inserted into the model. The uncertainty estimates are used by an active learning algorithm to improve the accuracy of the model and intelligently explore the input domain.
C. Haefner, A. Bayramian, S. Betts, R. Bopp, S. Buck, J. Cupal, M. Drouin, A. Erlandson, J. Horáček, J. Horner, J. Jarboe, K. Kasl, D. Kim, E. Koh, L. Koubíková, W. Maranville, C. Marshall, D. Mason, J. Menapace, P. Miller, P. Mazurek, A. Naylon, J. Novák, D. Peceli, P. Rosso, K. Schaffers, E. Sistrunk, D. Smith, T. Spinka, J. Stanley, R. Steele, C. Stolz, T. Suratwala, S. Telford, J. Thoma, D. VanBlarcom, J. Weiss, P. Wegner
Large laser systems that deliver optical pulses with peak powers exceeding one Petawatt (PW) have been constructed at dozens of research facilities worldwide and have fostered research in High-Energy-Density (HED) Science, High-Field and nonlinear physics [1]. Furthermore, the high intensities exceeding 1018W/cm2 allow for efficiently driving secondary sources that inherit some of the properties of the laser pulse, e.g. pulse duration, spatial and/or divergence characteristics. In the intervening decades since that first PW laser, single-shot proof-of-principle experiments have been successful in demonstrating new high-intensity laser-matter interactions and subsequent secondary particle and photon sources. These secondary sources include generation and acceleration of charged-particle (electron, proton, ion) and neutron beams, and x-ray and gamma-ray sources, generation of radioisotopes for positron emission tomography (PET), targeted cancer therapy, medical imaging, and the transmutation of radioactive waste [2, 3]. Each of these promising applications requires lasers with peak power of hundreds of terawatt (TW) to petawatt (PW) and with average power of tens to hundreds of kW to achieve the required secondary source flux.
Overview of progress in construction and testing of the laser systems of ELI-Beamlines, accomplished since 2015, is presented. Good progress has been achieved in construction of all four lasers based largely on the technology of diode-pumped solid state lasers (DPSSL). The first part of the L1 laser, designed to provide 200 mJ <15 fs pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate, is up and running. The L2 is a development line employing a 10 J / 10 Hz cryogenic gas-cooled pump laser which has recently been equipped with an advanced cryogenic engine. Operation of the L3-HAPLS system, using a gas-cooled DPSSL pump laser and a Ti:sapphire broadband amplifier, was recently demonstrated at 16 J / 28 fs, at 3.33 Hz rep rate. Finally, the 5 Hz OPCPA front end of the L4 kJ laser is up running and amplification in the Nd:glass large-aperture power amplifiers was demonstrated.
This talk will provide an overview of high power laser research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). It will discuss the status of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser. In addition, the talk will describe other laser development activities such as the development of high average power lasers and novel fiber lasers.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) has been in service since 2007 and operating with > 1 MJ energies since 2009. During this time the facility has transitioned to become an international user facility and increased the shot rate from ~150 target shots per year to greater than 400 shots per year. Today, the NIF plays an essential role in the US Stockpile Stewardship Program, providing data under the extreme conditions needed to validate computer models and train the next generation of stockpile stewards. Recent upgrades include the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC), a high energy short pulse laser used to do high resolution radiography.
In addition to the NIF, this talk will include an overview of progress on the high average power laser development, recent results from fiber laser development activities and improvements to laser design and computational capabilities.
Laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) testing was performed on commercially-available multilayer dielectric coatings to qualify for use in the High Repetition-Rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System (HAPLS) for Extreme Light Infrastructure Beamlines. Various tests were performed with uncompressed pulses (150 ps) from a 780 nm-centered Ti:Sapphire regenerative ampliflier, and the raster scan method was used to determine the best-performing coatings. Performance varied from 2–8 J/cm2 across samples from 6 different manufacturers.
Overview of the laser systems being built for ELI-Beamlines is presented. The facility will make available high-brightness multi-TW ultrashort laser pulses at kHz repetition rate, PW 10 Hz repetition rate pulses, and kilojoule nanosecond pulses for generation of 10 PW peak power. The lasers will extensively employ the emerging technology of diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSL) to pump OPCPA and Ti:sapphire broadband amplifiers. These systems will provide the user community with cutting-edge laser resources for programmatic research in generation and applications of high-intensity X-ray sources, in particle acceleration, and in dense-plasma and high-field physics.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is the first of a kind megajoule-class laser with 192 beams capable of delivering over 1.8 MJ and 500TW of 351nm light [1], [2]. It has been commissioned and operated since 2009 to support a wide range of missions including the study of inertial confinement fusion, high energy density physics, material science, and laboratory astrophysics. In order to advance our understanding, and enable short-pulse multi-frame radiographic experiments of dense cores of cold material, the generation of very hard x-rays above 50 keV is necessary. X-rays with such characteristics can be efficiently generated with high intensity laser pulses above 1017 W/cm² [3]. The Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) [4] which is currently being commissioned on the NIF will provide eight, 1 ps to 50 ps, adjustable pulses with up to 1.7 kJ each to create x-ray point sources enabling dynamic, multi-frame x-ray backlighting. This paper will provide an overview of the ARC system and report on the laser performance tests conducted with a stretched-pulse up to the main laser output and their comparison with the results of our laser propagation codes.
We investigate the laser damage resistance of multilayer dielectric (MLD) diffraction gratings used in the pulse compressors for high energy, high peak power laser systems such as the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) Petawatt laser on the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Our study includes measurements of damage threshold and damage density (ρ(Φ)) with picosecond laser pulses at 1053 nm under relevant operational conditions. Initial results indicate that sparse defects present on the optic surface from the manufacturing processes are responsible for damage initiation at laser fluences below the damage threshold indicated by the standard R-on-1 test methods, as is the case for laser damage with nanosecond pulse durations. As such, this study supports the development of damage density measurements for more accurate predictions on the damage performance of large area optics.
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