Dr. Christopher R. Valenta
Principal Research Engineer at Georgia Tech Res Inst
SPIE Involvement:
Conference Chair | Conference Program Committee | Editorial Board Member: Optical Engineering | Author | Editor | Instructor | Leadership Workshop Facilitator
Area of Expertise:
Electro-optics , LIDAR , Laser radar , Signal processing
Publications (18)

SPIE Journal Paper | 10 August 2024 Open Access
OE, Vol. 63, Issue 08, 085102, (August 2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.OE.63.8.085102
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, Fiber optic gyroscopes, Standards development, Roads, Reflectivity, Laser safety, Safety, Optical engineering, Target detection, Point clouds

Proceedings Article | 10 June 2024 Presentation
Proceedings Volume 13049, 130490J (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3013450
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, Manufacturing, Unmanned vehicles, Standards development, Collision avoidance

Proceedings Article | 13 June 2023 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 12540, 1254006 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2663617
KEYWORDS: Fabrication, Design and modelling, Antennas, Transmittance, Optical transmission, Electrical conductivity, Copper, Etching, Transparent conductors, Maskless lithography

Proceedings Article | 12 June 2023 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 12537, 1253709 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2663871
KEYWORDS: Turbulence, LIDAR, Signal to noise ratio, Beam divergence, Photons, Atmospheric propagation, Atmospheric modeling, Receivers, Free space, Optical turbulence

Proceedings Article | 22 May 2023 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 12327, 123270V (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2645123
KEYWORDS: Diffraction, Point spread functions, Modulation transfer functions, Transmittance, Antennas, Diffraction gratings, Optical gratings, Electrical conductivity, Transparency, Signal to noise ratio

Showing 5 of 18 publications
Proceedings Volume Editor (5)

SPIE Conference Volume | 3 June 2024

SPIE Conference Volume | 6 July 2023

SPIE Conference Volume | 2 December 2021

SPIE Conference Volume | 16 November 2020

SPIE Conference Volume | 13 December 2019

Conference Committee Involvement (10)
Laser Radar Technology and Applications XXX
13 April 2025 | Orlando, Florida, United States
Laser Radar Technology and Applications XXIX
24 April 2024 | National Harbor, Maryland, United States
SPIE Future Sensing Technologies
22 April 2024 | Yokohama, Japan
Laser Radar Technology and Applications XXVIII
3 May 2023 | Orlando, Florida, United States
SPIE Future Sensing Technologies
18 April 2023 | Yokohama, Japan
Showing 5 of 10 Conference Committees
Course Instructor
SC1281: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)
Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) has become synonymous in its use for logistical tracking purposes, providing large businesses, military, and governments alike with better insight into their supply chains. RFID technology is also becoming ever more important for the evolving Internet-of-Things (IoT) where billions upon trillions of devices are electronically interconnected through the world. Many of these devices are expected to leverage RFID for tagging, tracking, and sensing applications where low-cost, small form-factor, extremely low-power sensors are required. Non-surprisingly, wireless power transfer (WPT) technology is critical for enabling the IoT. This course introduces the basic concepts of RFID technology, reviews the major parts of a system, and reviews the fundamentals of wireless power transfer.
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