17 May 2023 Determining the dispersion relation function for evanescent waves and its implementation to the study of surface optical fields
Geovanni Arenas Muñoz, Ilsse I. Cazares Aguilar, Elizabeth Saldivia Gomez, Juan C. Atenco Cuautle, Fabian Cubillos Morales, Andrea Garcia Guzman, Patricia Martinez Vara, Gabriel Martinez Niconoff
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In this paper, the expression for the dispersion relation function for evanescent waves (EWs) is obtained. This expression establishes the basis of the two-dimensional optics where EWs are involved. We make use of the nonhomogeneous character of these types of waves. The dispersion relation function was implemented to analyze the interference effects showing that the resulting optical field has easily tunable polarization features, which were characterized through a set of Poincare’s spheres with its corresponding coherence matrix representation. The interference model was generalized to describe the diffraction effects by proposing the angular spectrum model with EWs. The analysis was further extended to describe the synthesis of evanescent self-imaging optical fields.

© 2023 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Geovanni Arenas Muñoz, Ilsse I. Cazares Aguilar, Elizabeth Saldivia Gomez, Juan C. Atenco Cuautle, Fabian Cubillos Morales, Andrea Garcia Guzman, Patricia Martinez Vara, and Gabriel Martinez Niconoff "Determining the dispersion relation function for evanescent waves and its implementation to the study of surface optical fields," Optical Engineering 62(5), 058102 (17 May 2023). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.62.5.058102
Received: 2 December 2022; Accepted: 20 April 2023; Published: 17 May 2023
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Electric fields


Optical spheres

Optical engineering

Wave propagation

Mathematical modeling

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