Open Access
11 November 2014 All-optical broadcast technology based on aluminum-doped highly nonlinear fiber
Lijuan Li, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Shi Jia, Qiong Wu, Lixia Dou, Biao Huang
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Making use of the four-wave mixing, a realization of all-optical 1×6 broadcast technology based on aluminum-doped highly nonlinear fiber (AL-HNLF) is performed. In the system, a set of experiments at channel intervals of 50, 100, and 200 GHz are conducted, and clear eye diagrams as well as low error performance are obtained with an input optical signal of a continuous wave and a 10-Gb/s return-to-zero on-off keying signal, which mostly benefits from the AL-HNLF used in this system. In detail, resulting from the high stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold of AL-HNLF, more power can be launched into the fiber. Additionally, similar performances of different channel spaces demonstrate the adjustability for this technology. With these distinguishing features, this technology might satisfy the basic expectation of utility.
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Lijuan Li, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Shi Jia, Qiong Wu, Lixia Dou, and Biao Huang "All-optical broadcast technology based on aluminum-doped highly nonlinear fiber," Optical Engineering 53(11), 116107 (11 November 2014).
Published: 11 November 2014

Nonlinear optics

Signal detection

Channel projecting optics

Optical engineering

Optical amplifiers

Signal generators


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