1 September 1997 Inspection of diamond turning process by the combination of light scattering and angular deflection techniques: a proposed method
Haiming Wang, Hanyu Mi
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Both form and roughness of diamond-turned surfaces are simultaneously inspected by a method combining the angular deflection and light scattering techniques. A laser beam scans the sample under test. The reflected and scattered light from the sample surface is collected by a CCD array. The direction of the specularly reflected light gives information on the surface slope, which in turn results in surface form by an integration operation. Surface roughness information is encoded in the scattering and can be recovered. Based on this concept, it is possible to develop an instrument for inspecting the diamond turning process on the production line.
Haiming Wang and Hanyu Mi "Inspection of diamond turning process by the combination of light scattering and angular deflection techniques: a proposed method," Optical Engineering 36(9), (1 September 1997). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601481
Published: 1 September 1997
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Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Light scattering


Charge-coupled devices

Diamond turning

Laser scattering

Surface roughness

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