1 December 1996 Interference measurement of refractive index in blanks for gradient index optics
Ludmila A. Gerasimova
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A new interference method for measuring the refractive index distribution in gradient-index (GRIN) blanks with shapes deviating from the plane-parallel is described. It uses a standard double-pass interference scheme modified to provide single passing of the beam through the investigated GRIN sample. Four interferograms recorded with one preliminary adjustment of the sample enable the restoration of the refractive index distribution in the sample, eliminating errors introduced by imperfectness of the interferometer and of sample surfaces, and the wedge shape of the sample. The method does not require information concerning the thickness and the wedge angle of a blank. The 2-D dependence of the refractive index in transverse dimensions along the sample surface can be measured with the accuracy better than 1×10-4
Ludmila A. Gerasimova "Interference measurement of refractive index in blanks for gradient index optics," Optical Engineering 35(12), (1 December 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601092
Published: 1 December 1996
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Refractive index



Error analysis

GRIN lenses

Gradient-index optics


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