1 October 1996 Intelligent radical-based on-line Chinese character recognition system
Chao-Hao Lee, Bor-Shenn Jeng, Hon-Fai Yau, Pei-Yih Ting, Shyh-Rong Lay, Chien-Cheng Tseng
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An intelligent radical-based on-line Chinese character recognition (OLCCR) system is proposed. We make use of the characteristic that most Chinese characters possess radicals and develop a radicalbased preclassification technique. In the procedure of recognizing radicals, potential candidate radicals are identified from an input character first and then matched with radical templates. Based on the matched radicals, corresponding candidate characters with a smaller matching distance are thus identified. Postprocessing, which utilizes the information of the first and last stable line segments, is incorporated to improve the recognition accuracy. Experiments are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed OLCCR system and the average recognition rate is improved from 96.06 to 96.52% if only the first winner is selected and the average recognition time is shortened by about 44%.
Chao-Hao Lee, Bor-Shenn Jeng, Hon-Fai Yau, Pei-Yih Ting, Shyh-Rong Lay, and Chien-Cheng Tseng "Intelligent radical-based on-line Chinese character recognition system," Optical Engineering 35(10), (1 October 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.600990
Published: 1 October 1996
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Optical character recognition

Optical engineering

Image segmentation

Intelligence systems


Computing systems

Detection and tracking algorithms


Intelligent word-based text recognition
Proceedings of SPIE (February 01 1991)
Reading handprinted addresses on IRS tax forms
Proceedings of SPIE (March 07 1996)
Arabic character recognition: a survey
Proceedings of SPIE (March 23 1998)

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