1 September 1987 Antireflection Coatings For Silicon Charge-Coupled Devices
Michael Lesser
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With the increasing use of charge-coupled devices for astronomical observations, it is vital to obtain the highest quantum efficiency possible due to the limited amount of observing time available on large telescopes. One method of increasing the response of back-illuminated CCDs is to apply antireflection coatings. Because silicon's index of refraction is extremely high in the ultra-violet, a gain of more than 100% in quantum efficiency can be achieved at a wavelength of 0.37 Am with the proper choice of dielectric thin-film materials. We present a study of materials suitable for silicon CCD antireflection coatings for use in the 0.32 to 1.0 Am spectral range. Constraints on these materials, such as refractive index, absorption coefficient, application method, tempera-ture requirements, internal stress, and radioactivity, are discussed. We find hafnium oxide, lead fluoride, and aluminum oxide to be among the most suitable thin-film materials available. We also present a number of single- and multiple-layer antireflection coating designs optimized for CCDs, with particular emphasis on the blue and ultraviolet.
Michael Lesser "Antireflection Coatings For Silicon Charge-Coupled Devices," Optical Engineering 26(9), 269911 (1 September 1987). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7974170
Published: 1 September 1987
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Cited by 31 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Charge-coupled devices

Antireflective coatings



Quantum efficiency

Thin films

Ultraviolet radiation


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