1 September 1987 High Performance Visible And Near-Infrared Charge-Coupled-Device Array For Spectroscopy Applications
Weng-Lyang Wang, Leland R. Hudson, Hsin-Fu Tseng
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This paper describes the design and performance of a scientific CCD array for use in NASA's Shuttle Image Spectrometer Experiment. The device is a four-phase, buried-channel CCD structure that operates in the frame-transfer mode. Thesensor consists of 64 X404 pixels (each 52µm X 52 um), has a 100% fill factor, and operates in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions. In operation, the 404 horizontal elements provide spatial information, while the 64 vertical elements give spectral information covering the wavelength range of 400 to 1000 nm in 10 nm increments. The high full-well capacity of each pixel (>2 X106 electrons) and low noise floor (<30 electrons rms) yield a dynamic range of more than 95 dB. In addition, the device has been designed to have good linearity characteristics. The unique dual-output structure allows a horizontal row to be read out to the right or to the left, or it can be split from the middle to both right and left output circuits simultaneously for high speed applications. The power dissipation of the device is about 60 mW.
Weng-Lyang Wang, Leland R. Hudson, and Hsin-Fu Tseng "High Performance Visible And Near-Infrared Charge-Coupled-Device Array For Spectroscopy Applications," Optical Engineering 26(9), 269844 (1 September 1987). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7974161
Published: 1 September 1987
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Charge-coupled devices

Visible radiation

Near infrared spectroscopy





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