Significance: Resting-state functional connectivity imaging in mice with optical intrinsic signal (OIS) imaging could provide a powerful translational tool for developing imaging biomarkers in preclinical disease models. However, statistical interpretation of correlation coefficients is hampered by autocorrelations in the data. Aim: We sought to better understand temporal and spatial autocorrelations in optical resting-state data. We then adapted statistical methods from functional magnetic resonance imaging to improve statistical inference. Approach: Resting-state data were obtained from mice using a custom-built OSI system. The autocorrelation time was calculated at each pixel, and z scores for correlation coefficients were calculated using Fisher transforms and variance derived from either Bartlett’s method or xDF. The significance of each correlation coefficient was determined through control of the false discovery rate (FDR). Results: Autocorrelation was generally even across the cortex and parcellation reduced variance. Correcting variance with Bartlett’s method resulted in a uniform reduction in z scores, with xDF preserving high z scores for highly correlated data. Control of the FDR resulted in reasonable thresholding of the correlation coefficient matrices. The use of Bartlett’s method compared with xDF results in more conservative thresholding and fewer false positives under null hypothesis conditions. Conclusions: We developed streamlined methods for control of autocorrelation in OIS functional connectivity data in mice, and Bartlett’s method is a reasonable compromise and simplification that allows for accurate autocorrelation correction. These results improve the rigor and reproducibility of functional neuroimaging in mice. |
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Statistical analysis
Imaging systems