Open Access
3 November 2016 Fabrication of highly reproducible polymer solar cells using ultrasonic substrate vibration posttreatment
Yu Xie, Fatemeh Zabihi, Morteza Eslamian
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Organic solar cells are usually nonreproducible due to the presence of defects in the structure of their constituting thin films. To minimize the density of pinholes and defects in PEDOT:PSS, which is the hole transporting layer of a standard polymer solar cell, i.e., glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Al, and to reduce scattering in device performance, wet spun-on PEDOT:PSS films are subjected to imposed ultrasonic substrate vibration posttreatment (SVPT). The imposed vibration improves the mixing and homogeneity of the wet spun-on films, and consequently the nanostructure of the ensuing thin solid films. For instance, our results show that by using the SVPT, which is a mechanical, single-step and low-cost process, the average power conversion efficiency of 14 identical cells increases by 25% and the standard deviation decreases by 22% indicating that the device photovoltaic performance becomes more consistent and significantly improved. This eliminates several tedious and expensive chemical and thermal treatments currently performed to improve the cell reproducibility.
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Yu Xie, Fatemeh Zabihi, and Morteza Eslamian "Fabrication of highly reproducible polymer solar cells using ultrasonic substrate vibration posttreatment," Journal of Photonics for Energy 6(4), 045502 (3 November 2016).
Published: 3 November 2016 Logo
Cited by 18 scholarly publications.
Solar cells





Thin films

Polymer thin films

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