3 October 2014 Improving feedback-integrated scene cancellation nonuniformity correction through optimal selection of available camera motion
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Scene-based nonuniformity correction (SBNUC) techniques provide a means of identifying and correcting focal plane array nonuniformity (NU) through algorithmic analysis of the camera output. SBNUC techniques rely almost universally on camera motion to provide a means of separating the scene from the NU pattern. A simulation is developed that is used to explore the role and effect of camera motion on two representative registration-based SBNUC algorithms: interframe registration-based least mean square (IRLMS) by Zuo et al. and feedback-integrated scene-cancellation (FiSC) by Black and Tyo. The effect of camera motion velocity and direction between frames is examined. The high spatial frequency portion of NU is shown to be corrected by both IRLMS and FiSC, and this correction is relatively indifferent to nonzero camera motion parameters. The FiSC algorithm was specifically designed to incorporate the low spatial frequency component into registration-based SBNUC, but demonstrates a strong dependency on camera motion. Techniques for mitigation of camera motion parameter effects through tradespace and buffering are presented and tested. With proper mitigation and camera motion, FiSC is shown to correct most high and low spatial frequency NU with fewer than 100 framepairs repeatedly processed using techniques suitable for real-time processing implementation.
© 2014 SPIE and IS&T 0091-3286/2014/$25.00 © 2014 SPIE and IS&T
Wiley T. Black and J. Scott Tyo "Improving feedback-integrated scene cancellation nonuniformity correction through optimal selection of available camera motion," Journal of Electronic Imaging 23(5), 053014 (3 October 2014). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.23.5.053014
Published: 3 October 2014
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Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Spatial frequencies

Motion estimation

Image registration

Nonuniformity corrections

Computer simulations



Fast and robust algorithm for global motion estimation
Proceedings of SPIE (January 10 1997)
Fast motion estimation using circular zonal search
Proceedings of SPIE (December 28 1998)
Motion estimation with variable velocity bandwidth
Proceedings of SPIE (February 27 1996)

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