Open Access
29 May 2024 Stain-free enucleation of mouse and human oocytes with a 1033 nm femtosecond laser
Alina A. Osychenko, Alexandr D. Zalessky, Alexey V. Bachurin, David Yu. Martirosyan, Maria S. Egorova, Viktor A. Nadtochenko
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Preparation of a recipient cytoplast by oocyte enucleation is an essential task for animal cloning and assisted reproductive technologies in humans. The femtosecond laser is a precise and low-invasive tool for oocyte enucleation, and it should be an appropriate alternative to traditional enucleation by a microneedle aspiration. However, until recently, the laser enucleation was performed only with applying a fluorescent dye.


This work is aimed to (1) achieve femtosecond laser oocyte enucleation without applying a fluorescent dye and (2) to study the effect of laser destruction of chromosomes on the structure and dynamics of the spindle.


We applied polarized light microscopy for spindle visualization and performed stain-free mouse and human oocyte enucleation with a 1033 nm femtosecond laser. Also, we studied transformation of a spindle after metaphase plate elimination by a confocal microscopy.


We demonstrated a fundamental possibility of inactivating the metaphase plate in mouse and human oocytes by 1033 nm femtosecond laser radiation without applying a fluorescent dye. Irradiation of the spindle area, visualized by polarized light microscopy, resulted in partly or complete metaphase plate destruction but avoided the microtubules impairment. After the metaphase plate elimination, the spindle reorganized, however, it was not a complete depolymerization.


This method of recipient cytoplast preparation is expected to be useful for animal cloning and assisted reproductive technologies.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Alina A. Osychenko, Alexandr D. Zalessky, Alexey V. Bachurin, David Yu. Martirosyan, Maria S. Egorova, and Viktor A. Nadtochenko "Stain-free enucleation of mouse and human oocytes with a 1033 nm femtosecond laser," Journal of Biomedical Optics 29(6), 065002 (29 May 2024).
Received: 11 March 2024; Accepted: 13 May 2024; Published: 29 May 2024

Femtosecond phenomena



Polarized light

Confocal microscopy

Polarized microscopy

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