Electron-positron pairs can be generated with lasers in various configurations, using either Breit-Wheeler or Bethe-Heitler pair production.
In some cases, the very same laser can provide direct laser acceleration (DLA) of leptons in the radiation reaction dominated regime. The DLA scheme has already provided electron beams of ~nC charge in experiments. Here we show what can be accomplished with near-future laser facilities with a special consideration of L4 beamline at ELI beamlines.
Increasing the laser power is bound to augment the DLA electron charge content even further. The field structure formed due to electron beam loading
allows for accelerating positrons without defocusing them. What is more, the interaction in the radiation dominated regime will provide a high flux of
emitted photons, in hard x-ray and gamma-ray range. These photons can then be used as a seed for electron-positron pair creation, as well as a radiation source for applications.
This work was supported by FCT grants CEECIND/01906/2018, PTDC/FISPLA/3800/2021. We acknowledge PRACE for granting access to MareNostrum in BSC, Spain.