21 October 2015 Camouflage effectiveness of static nets in SAR images
Johan Jersblad, Christer Larsson
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Proceedings Volume 9653, Target and Background Signatures; 965304 (2015)
Event: SPIE Security + Defence, 2015, Toulouse, France
We present a methodology to determine the camouflage effectiveness of static nets in a SAR image. There is currently no common recognized methodology within the signature management community in this research topic. One step towards establishing a common methodology is to use a standardized target to be camouflaged. We use the STANdard Decoy for CAmouflage Materials (STANDCAM) target developed by the German Army, WTD 52, Oberjettenberg. An ISAR measurement of the STANDCAM with a camouflage configuration is acquired as the first step of the method. The ISAR data is then blended with SAR data acquired in field trials. In the final SAR image a contrast metric between the target and background is extracted. The contrast measure is then the measure of the camouflage effectiveness. As an example of result we present ISAR measurements and determine the camouflage effectiveness in a SAR image using SAR blending for static nets with different electrical conductivity and design. This methodology presents a measure to determine the effectiveness of a static net on the STANDCAM target.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Johan Jersblad and Christer Larsson "Camouflage effectiveness of static nets in SAR images", Proc. SPIE 9653, Target and Background Signatures, 965304 (21 October 2015); Logo
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