27 February 2015 GaAs/AlOx high-contrast grating mirrors for mid-infrared VCSELs
G. Almuneau, Y. Laaroussi, Christyves Chevallier, Frédéric Genty, N.s Fressengeas, L. Cerutti, Olivier Gauthier-Lafaye
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Proceedings Volume 9372, High Contrast Metastructures IV; 93720S (2015)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2015, San Francisco, California, United States
Mid-infrared Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (MIR-VCSEL) are very attractive compact sources for spectroscopic measurements above 2μm, relevant for molecules sensing in various application domains. A long-standing issue for long wavelength VCSEL is the large structure thickness affecting the laser properties, added for the MIR to the tricky technological implementation of the antimonide alloys system. In this paper, we propose a new geometry for MIR-VCSEL including both a lateral confinement by an oxide aperture, and a high-contrast sub-wavelength grating mirror (HCG mirror) formed by the high contrast combination AIOx/GaAs in place of GaSb/A│AsSb top Bragg reflector. In addition to drastically simplifying the vertical stack, HCG mirror allows to control through its design the beam properties. The robust design of the HCG has been ensured by an original method of optimization based on particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with an anti-optimization one, thus allowing large error tolerance for the nano-fabrication. Oxide-based electro-optical confinement has been adapted to mid-infrared lasers, byusing a metamorphic approach with (Al) GaAs layer directly epitaxially grown on the GaSb-based VCSEL bottom structure. This approach combines the advantages of the will-controlled oxidation of AlAs layer and the efficient gain media of Sb-based for mid-infrared emission. We finally present the results obtained on electrically pumped mid-IR-VCSELs structures, for which we included oxide aperturing for lateral confinement and HCG as high reflectivity output mirrors, both based on AlxOy/GaAs heterostructures.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
G. Almuneau, Y. Laaroussi, Christyves Chevallier, Frédéric Genty, N.s Fressengeas, L. Cerutti, and Olivier Gauthier-Lafaye "GaAs/AlOx high-contrast grating mirrors for mid-infrared VCSELs", Proc. SPIE 9372, High Contrast Metastructures IV, 93720S (27 February 2015);
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Gallium arsenide


Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

Gallium antimonide


Current controlled current source


Polarization-controlled monolithic oxide-confined VCSELs
Proceedings of SPIE (September 08 2004)
VCSEL technologies and applications
Proceedings of SPIE (July 11 2002)
More VCSELs at Finisar
Proceedings of SPIE (February 06 2009)
VCSELs in '98 what we have and what we...
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