25 May 2012 The importance of shared mental models and shared situation awareness for transforming robots from tools to teammates
Scott Ososky, David Schuster, Florian Jentsch, Stephen Fiore, Randall Shumaker, Christian Lebiere, Unmesh Kurup, Jean Oh, Anthony Stentz
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Current ground robots are largely employed via tele-operation and provide their operators with useful tools to extend reach, improve sensing, and avoid dangers. To move from robots that are useful as tools to truly synergistic human-robot teaming, however, will require not only greater technical capabilities among robots, but also a better understanding of the ways in which the principles of teamwork can be applied from exclusively human teams to mixed teams of humans and robots. In this respect, a core characteristic that enables successful human teams to coordinate shared tasks is their ability to create, maintain, and act on a shared understanding of the world and the roles of the team and its members in it. The team performance literature clearly points towards two important cornerstones for shared understanding of team members: mental models and situation awareness. These constructs have been investigated as products of teams as well; amongst teams, they are shared mental models and shared situation awareness. Consequently, we are studying how these two constructs can be measured and instantiated in human-robot teams. In this paper, we report results from three related efforts that are investigating process and performance outcomes for human robot teams. Our investigations include: (a) how human mental models of tasks and teams change whether a teammate is human, a service animal, or an advanced automated system; (b) how computer modeling can lead to mental models being instantiated and used in robots; (c) how we can simulate the interactions between human and future robotic teammates on the basis of changes in shared mental models and situation assessment.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Scott Ososky, David Schuster, Florian Jentsch, Stephen Fiore, Randall Shumaker, Christian Lebiere, Unmesh Kurup, Jean Oh, and Anthony Stentz "The importance of shared mental models and shared situation awareness for transforming robots from tools to teammates", Proc. SPIE 8387, Unmanned Systems Technology XIV, 838710 (25 May 2012); Logo
Cited by 27 scholarly publications.
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Systems modeling

Cognitive modeling

Animal model studies

Computing systems

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