A novel method for measuring the structure constant of the atmospheric turbulence on an arbitrary path has recently
been demonstrated by the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). This method provides a unique ability to remotely
measure the intensity of turbulence, which is important for predicting beam spread, wander, and scintillation effects on
High Energy Laser (HEL) propagation. Because this is a new technique, estimating A novel method for measuring the structure constant of the atmospheric turbulence on an arbitrary path has recently
been demonstrated by the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). This method provides a unique ability to remotely
measure the intensity of turbulence, which is important for predicting beam spread, wander, and scintillation effects on
High Energy Laser (HEL) propagation. Because this is a new technique, estimating Cn2 using radar is a complicated and
time consuming process. This paper presents a new software program which is being developed to automate the
calculation of Cn2 over an arbitrary path. The program takes regional National Weather Service NEXRAD radar
reflectivity measurements and extracts data for the path of interest. These reflectivity measurements are then used to
estimate Cn2 over the path. The program uses the Radar Software Library (RSL) produced by the Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission (TRMM) at the NASA/Goddard Flight Center. RSL provides support for nearly all formats of
weather radar data. The particular challenge to extracting data is in determining which data bins the path passes through.
Due to variations in radar systems and measurement conditions, the RSL produces data grids that are not consistent in
geometry or completeness. The Cn2 program adapts to the varying geometries of each radar image. Automation of the
process allows for fast estimation of Cn2 and supports a goal of real-time remote turbulence measurement. Recently, this
software was used to create comparison data for RF scintillation measurements. In this task it performed well, extracting
thousands of measurements in only a few minutes.using radar is a complicated and
time consuming process. This paper presents a new software program which is being developed to automate the
calculation of Cn2 over an arbitrary path. The program takes regional National Weather Service NEXRAD radar
reflectivity measurements and extracts data for the path of interest. These reflectivity measurements are then used to
estimate Cn2 over the path. The program uses the Radar Software Library (RSL) produced by the Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission (TRMM) at the NASA/Goddard Flight Center. RSL provides support for nearly all formats of
weather radar data. The particular challenge to extracting data is in determining which data bins the path passes through.
Due to variations in radar systems and measurement conditions, the RSL produces data grids that are not consistent in
geometry or completeness. The Cn2 program adapts to the varying geometries of each radar image. Automation of the
process allows for fast estimation of Cn2 and supports a goal of real-time remote turbulence measurement. Recently, this
software was used to create comparison data for RF scintillation measurements. In this task it performed well, extracting
thousands of measurements in only a few minutes.