4 May 2012 Improvements to high-speed monitoring of events in extreme environments using fiber Bragg grating sensors
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An innovative system that allows the measurement of velocity, position, temperature and pressure during burn, deflagration and detonation of energetic materials has been developed. An initial demonstration of this system has been able to measure pressures up to 1,200,000 psi, and temperature changes of 400° C over a period of 25 microseconds. Both measurements were instrument limited. Improved instrumentation will allow extensions to 4,000,000 psi measurements and enhanced resolution of over and order of magnitude. This is the first time to our knowledge that measurements of velocity, position, temperature and pressure have been made interior to highly energetic materials during burn, deflagration and detonation. The technology is in its very early stages. It has great potential to make important near term measurements with significant further improvements being made as the technology begins to mature. Immediate application areas include assessment of the performance of solid rocket motor propellant materials, insensitive munitions and detailed measurements of high speed, energetic events. Additionally, continuous detonation wave velocities were measured inside of large explosive charges greater than 200 millimeters in length.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Eric Udd and Jerry Benterou "Improvements to high-speed monitoring of events in extreme environments using fiber Bragg grating sensors", Proc. SPIE 8370, Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications IX, 83700L (4 May 2012); Logo
Cited by 10 scholarly publications and 3 patents.
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Temperature metrology

Fiber Bragg gratings

Velocity measurements

Optical fibers


Fiber optics sensors

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