8 February 2012 High-power broad-area diode lasers optimized for fiber laser pumping
J. Gilly, P. Friedmann, H. Kissel, J. Biesenbach, M. T. Kelemen
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In diode laser applications for fibre laser pumping and materials processing high brightness becomes more and more important. At the moment fibre coupled modules benefit from continuous improvement of Broad-Area (BA) lasers on the chip level regarding output power, efficiency and far-field characteristics. To achieve high brightness not only the output power must be increased, but also the far field angles have to be maintained or even decreased because brightness is proportional to output power divided by beam quality. Typically fast axis far fields show mostly a current independent behaviour, for broad-area lasers far-fields in the slow axis suffer from a strong current and temperature dependence, limiting the brightness. These limitations can be overcomed by carefully optimizing epitaxy-design and processing and also thermal management of the mounted device. The easiest way to achieve a good thermal management of BA-Lasers is to increase the resonator length while simultaneously decreasing internal losses of the epitaxy structure. To fulfill these issues, we have realized MBE grown InGaAs/AlGaAs broad-area with resonator lengths between 4mm and 6mm emitting at 976nm. To evaluate the brightness of these broad-area lasers single emitters have been mounted p-side down. Near- and far-fields have been carefully investigated. For a 4mm long broad-area laser with around 100μm emission width a beam parameter product of less than 3.5 mm x mrad has been achieved at 10W with a slope efficiency of more than 1.1W/A and a maximum wall-plug efficiency of more than 67%. For a device with 6mm resonator length we have reached a BPP of less than 3.5mm x mrad at 14W in slow axis direction which results in a brightness around 130MW/cm2 sr, which is to our knowledge the highest brightness reported so far for BA-lasers.
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J. Gilly, P. Friedmann, H. Kissel, J. Biesenbach, and M. T. Kelemen "High-power broad-area diode lasers optimized for fiber laser pumping", Proc. SPIE 8241, High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X, 82410T (8 February 2012); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication and 1 patent.
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