26 September 2011 Monitoring the reactivity of Ag nanoparticles for different atmospheres by using in situ and real-time optical spectroscopy
V. Antad, L. Simonot, D. Babonneau, S. Camelio, F. Pailloux, P. Guérin
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Surface differential reflectance spectroscopy (SDRS), an optical characterization technique, is sensitive enough to observe the minute changes in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of noble metal nanoparticles (NPs). This SPR, which causes a sharp absorption of light in the visible range, is extremely sensitive not only to the morphology and organization of the NPs, but also to the chemical atmosphere surrounding them. Hence, taking SPR as a signature phenomenon, we have studied the reactivity of Ag NPs using a dedicated in situ SDRS set-up mounted on a magnetron sputtering machine. Real-time optical characterizations were possible not only during the deposition of Ag NPs, but also during their exposure to gases such as O2, N2, Ar, either non-ionized or partially ionized. This optical study reveals that Ag NPs are reactive to non-ionized O2 exposure, which induces modifications in the SPR characteristics (width, amplitude and position of the absorption band) in contrast to N2 and Ar. Moreover, this study also evidences a complete disappearance of the SPR when Ag NPs are exposed to partially ionized oxygen species O2(+) as well as a significant reactivity of the NPs exposed to N2(+), while Ar remains non-reactive in both non-ionized and partially ionized forms.
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V. Antad, L. Simonot, D. Babonneau, S. Camelio, F. Pailloux, and P. Guérin "Monitoring the reactivity of Ag nanoparticles for different atmospheres by using in situ and real-time optical spectroscopy", Proc. SPIE 8104, Nanostructured Thin Films IV, 810407 (26 September 2011);
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