18 February 2011 Filters and electro-optic modulators on fiber end-faces
Stefan Meister, Dawid Schweda, Marcus Dziedzina, Ronny Juhre, Aws Al-Saadi, Bülent A. Franke, Bernd Grimm, Sigurd K. Schrader, Stephanie J. Benight, Denise H. Bale, Ilya Kosilkin, Larry R. Dalton, Hans J. Eichler
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Proceedings Volume 7913, Laser Resonators and Beam Control XIII; 79130L (2011)
Event: SPIE LASE, 2011, San Francisco, California, United States
Passive and tunable optical filters as well as optical modulators, directly fabricated on the end-faces of optical fibers can provide a fast and low cost production. A hybrid layer system can be built up to a passive Fabry-Pérot microcavity, where alternating dielectric high and low refractive materials are used as mirrors and a highly transparent polymer as the spacer material. The mirror design and the spacer thickness define the center operation wavelength and the filter bandwidth. Bandwidths of less than 1 nm (FWHM) at a wavelength of 1560 nm could be achieved for such microcavities on the end-faces of optical fibers. Enhancing the hybrid layer system by transparent conductive electrodes and by adding electro-optically active chromophores to the polymeric spacer material, the filters become tunable. The material used for the electrodes is indium tin oxide (ITO). The oxidic electrodes have to be merged with the dielectric mirrors and the polymeric spacer. Applying a voltage to the electro-optically active polymeric spacer utilizing such electrodes, the refractive index of the spacer can be changed and therefore the resonance criteria of the microcavity.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Stefan Meister, Dawid Schweda, Marcus Dziedzina, Ronny Juhre, Aws Al-Saadi, Bülent A. Franke, Bernd Grimm, Sigurd K. Schrader, Stephanie J. Benight, Denise H. Bale, Ilya Kosilkin, Larry R. Dalton, and Hans J. Eichler "Filters and electro-optic modulators on fiber end-faces", Proc. SPIE 7913, Laser Resonators and Beam Control XIII, 79130L (18 February 2011); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Optical filters



Fiber coatings

Electro optic polymers


Optical fibers


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