2 August 2010 Image reconstruction in optical interferometry: application to the inner regions of protoplanetary disks
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Planets are believed to form in circumstellar disks around newly born stars at distances ranging from 0.1 to 10 AUs. This location corresponds to milli-arcsecond scales at the distance of the closest star forming regions and to temperatures ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand Kelvin. To conduct observations of close environments of such disks at the milli-arcsecond scale, infrared interferometry is a suitable tool that can be employed to observe T Tauri, FU Ori and Herbig Ae/Be stars. However, the data obtained so far consist of a small number of measurements which can only constrain theoretical models. With the advent of recent multi-aperture interferometers, the interferometric data can be used to reconstruct images independently of any parametric model, as is routinely done in the radio frequency range. On the other hand, in the optical range, not enough measurements are available to univocally reconstruct an image and some a priori must be introduced. In this contribution, we present systematic tests performed on the MiRA algorithm (an image reconstruction algorithm developed for optical interferometry) in order to evaluate the feasibility of the technique. The methodology allows deriving some practical rules for the user and has been applied to an YSO (HD 163296). I present the results of the image reconstruction, providing the first images of a complex YSO.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Renard, F. Malbet, M. Benisty, E. Thiébaut, and J.-P. Berger "Image reconstruction in optical interferometry: application to the inner regions of protoplanetary disks", Proc. SPIE 7734, Optical and Infrared Interferometry II, 773418 (2 August 2010);
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Image restoration

K band

Data modeling


Signal to noise ratio




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