14 December 2006 Crop effect to soil moisture retrieval at different microwave frequencies
Zhongjun Zhang, Jinzhe Luan
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In soil moisture retrieval by microwave remote sensing technology, vegetation effect is important, due to its emission upward as well as masking the soil surface contribution. Because of good penetration characteristics through crop at low frequencies, L-band is often used, where crop is treated as a uniform layer, and 0th-order Brightness Temperature model is used. Higher frequencies upper than L-band, the frequencies both on NASA AQUA AMSR-E and FY-3 to be launched next year in CHINA, may be more informative in SM retrieval. The multiple-scattering effects inside crop and that between crop layer and soil surface will be increasing when frequencies go higher from L-band. In this paper, a Matrix-Doubling model that account for multiple-scattering based on ray tracing technique is used to simulate the microwave emission of vegetated-surface at C- and X-band. The orientation and size of crop element such as leaves and cylinders are accounted for in crop layer, and AIEM is used for calculation of ground surface scattering. Simulation results from this model for corn and SGP99 experiment data are in good agreement. Since complicated theoretical model as used in this paper involves too many parameters, to make SM retrieval more directly, corresponding terms from the developed model are matched with 0th-order,so as to derive effective single scattering albedo and vegetation opacity at C- and X-band.
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Zhongjun Zhang and Jinzhe Luan "Crop effect to soil moisture retrieval at different microwave frequencies", Proc. SPIE 6410, Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environment V, 64100R (14 December 2006);
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Soil science

Data modeling

X band


L band

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