26 March 1986 Design Issues For A Knowledge Based Controller For A Track-While-Scan Radar System
Edwin R. Addison
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Proceedings Volume 0635, Applications of Artificial Intelligence III; (1986)
Event: 1986 Technical Symposium Southeast, 1986, Orlando, United States
Traditional track-while-scan radar systems use a conventional algorithmic approach to the control function. Typically, a fixed amount of time is allocated to search volumes based on geometry and a uniform division of resources according to some fixed rule. Advancement of radar has introduced many new flexibilities into system components, such as electronically steerable phased arrays which allow practically instantaneous switching, digital and multiple beamforming, increased computing capability which allows maintaining track on very large numbers of targets, etc. Radar system design is more and more software and less hardware oriented. Consequently, additional flexibility is available to the TWS designer. Specifically such decisions as how long to dwell on an individual target, when and how quickly to search certain subvolumes, when to stop looking for a missing target, and so forth, add complexities to the control design. To best optimize and exploit these resources, a real-time expert system can be used. This paper explores the ramifications of using an expert system to perform this task. Specific expert system design issues are addressed.
© (1986) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Edwin R. Addison "Design Issues For A Knowledge Based Controller For A Track-While-Scan Radar System", Proc. SPIE 0635, Applications of Artificial Intelligence III, (26 March 1986);
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