10 September 2005 A modular system architecture for agile assembly of nanocomponents using optical tweezers
Arvind Balijepalli, Thomas LeBrun, Cedric Gagnon, Yong-Gu Lee, Nicholas Dagalakis
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In order to realize the flexibility optical trapping offers as a nanoassembly tool, we need to develop natural and intuitive interfaces to assemble large quantities of nanocomponents quickly and cheaply. We propose a system to create such an interface that is scalable, inter-changeable and modular. Several prototypes are described, starting with simple interfaces that control a single trap in the optical tweezers instrument using a 3-dimensional Phantom haptic device. A networkbased approach is adopted early on, and a modular prototype is then described in detail. In such a design, individual modules developed on different platforms work independently and communicate with each other through a common language interface using the Neutral Messaging Language (NML) communication protocol. A natural user interface is implemented that can be used to create and manipulate traps interactively like in a CAD program. Modules such as image processing and automatic assembly are also added to help simplify routine assembly tasks. Drawing on lessons learned from the prototypes, a new system specification is formulated to better integrate the modules. Finally, conclusions are drawn on the overall viability and future of network-based systems for nanoassembly using optical tweezers.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Arvind Balijepalli, Thomas LeBrun, Cedric Gagnon, Yong-Gu Lee, and Nicholas Dagalakis "A modular system architecture for agile assembly of nanocomponents using optical tweezers", Proc. SPIE 5908, Optical Information Systems III, 59080H (10 September 2005); Logo
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