8 December 2003 The membrane receptor mediated signal transduction mechanism of low-intensity light effects on fibroblast
Yan Li, Timon Cheng-Yi Liu, Jian-Ling Jiao, An Hong, Songhao Liu
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Proceedings Volume 5254, Third International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine; (2003)
Event: Third International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, 2003, Wuhan, China
The membrane receptor mediated signal transduction mechanism (STM) on photobiomodulation was suggested by Liu et al, and verified by successful applications. In this paper, it was used to study photobiomodulation on fibroblasts. As the frequency of the absorption light of membrane receptors is greater than the light from UVA to IR, the membrane absorption of the light is non-resonant, and its transition rate is extraordinarily small, but can be amplified by the coherent state of the identical and independent membrane receptors. The activation coherent states of receptors will activate signal transduction pathway, which was called collective phototransduction. It was shown that collective phototransduction mediated STM was one of the possible mechanisms of photobiomodulation on fibroblasts.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yan Li, Timon Cheng-Yi Liu, Jian-Ling Jiao, An Hong, and Songhao Liu "The membrane receptor mediated signal transduction mechanism of low-intensity light effects on fibroblast", Proc. SPIE 5254, Third International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, (8 December 2003);
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