16 February 2004 SCALES: SEVIRI and GERB CaL/VaL area for large-scale field experiments
Ernesto Lopez-Baeza, Fernando Belda, Alejandro Bodas, Dominique Crommelynck, Steven Dewitte, Carlos Domenech, Jaume Francesc Gimeno, John Edward Harries, Joan Jorge Sanchez, Nicolau Pineda, David Pino, Antonio Rius, Kauzar Saleh, Ramon Tarruella, Almudena Velazquez
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The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the recent launch of the first European METEOSAT Second Generation geostationary satellite (MSG-1) to generate and validate new radiation budget and cloud products provided by the GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget) instrument. SCALES’ specific objectives are: (i) definition and characterization of a large reasonably homogeneous area compatible to GERB pixel size (around 50 x 50 km2), (ii) validation of GERB TOA radiances and fluxes derived by means of angular distribution models, (iii) development of algorithms to estimate surface net radiation from GERB TOA measurements, and (iv) development of accurate methodologies to measure radiation flux divergence and analyze its influence on the thermal regime and dynamics of the atmosphere, also using GERB data. SCALES is highly innovative: it focuses on a new and unique space instrument and develops a new specific validation methodology for low resolution sensors that is based on the use of a robust reference meteorological station (Valencia Anchor Station) around which 3D high resolution meteorological fields are obtained from the MM5 Meteorological Model. During the 1st GERB Ground Validation Campaign (18th-24th June, 2003), CERES instruments on Aqua and Terra provided additional radiance measurements to support validation efforts. CERES instruments operated in the PAPS mode (Programmable Azimuth Plane Scanning) focusing the station. Ground measurements were taken by lidar, sun photometer, GPS precipitable water content, radiosounding ascents, Anchor Station operational meteorological measurements at 2m and 15m., 4 radiation components at 2m, and mobile stations to characterize a large area. In addition, measurements during LANDSAT overpasses on June 14th and 30th were also performed. These activities were carried out within the GIST (GERB International Science Team) framework, during GERB Commissioning Period.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ernesto Lopez-Baeza, Fernando Belda, Alejandro Bodas, Dominique Crommelynck, Steven Dewitte, Carlos Domenech, Jaume Francesc Gimeno, John Edward Harries, Joan Jorge Sanchez, Nicolau Pineda, David Pino, Antonio Rius, Kauzar Saleh, Ramon Tarruella, and Almudena Velazquez "SCALES: SEVIRI and GERB CaL/VaL area for large-scale field experiments", Proc. SPIE 5235, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII, (16 February 2004); Logo
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