4 June 2003 Practical implementation of the image domain joint transform correlator for holographic security
Michael V. Borisov, Sergey B. Odinokov, Leonid A. Bondarev, Sergey V. Kurakin
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Proceedings Volume 5005, Practical Holography XVII and Holographic Materials IX; (2003)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2003, 2003, Santa Clara, CA, United States
We describe the experimental setup of the image domain joint transform correlator intended for holographic security application. The security verification routine demands two channels. The first one corresponds to the reference hologram stored in the security device. The other is a security holographic mark with several test sub-holograms, applied to a carrier: ID-card, paper seal etc. Each of the holograms stores a part of entire image, stored in the reference hologram. Image domain JTC is used to match the images retrieved from the holograms. The images are recorded by a light addressed spatial light modulator (LASLM). Being recorded and retrieved, the images provides correlation peaks with special positions, with a strict dependence on the tested and reference holograms mutual shifts. We prove experimentally that the image domain recognizing provides as more effective usage of the LASLM work pupil and resolution as a less device size. The system also has a good tolerance to shift and rotation of the security holographic mark. Few correlation peaks respected to test holograms enhances the device recognizing probability. We provide computer simulations based on the mathematical analysis of the optical signal transforming. The real-time experimental results corresponded with computer simulations are presented.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michael V. Borisov, Sergey B. Odinokov, Leonid A. Bondarev, and Sergey V. Kurakin "Practical implementation of the image domain joint transform correlator for holographic security", Proc. SPIE 5005, Practical Holography XVII and Holographic Materials IX, (4 June 2003);
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Computer security

Joint transforms

Optical correlators

Computer simulations

Image retrieval

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