13 September 2002 Quantitative laser cutting of plants
Juergen Schou, Torben Heisel, Arne Nordskov, Svend Christensen, Peter Snoer Jensen, Birgitte Thestrup, Bo Toftmann
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It is possible to quantify cutting of plant stems by a laser beam in contrast to mechanical cutting. The biomass of the plants after a certain period under standard green house conditions was used to measure the effect of partial or complete cutting with a laser. Continuous laser irradiation at 10.6 micrometers of the plant stem turned out to be very efficient at values of the energy per width unit above 6 J/mm. The effect of laser irradiation at 355 nm or 1064 nm is less pronounced, but also at these wavelengths the re- growth or continuous growth are reduced. A monocotyledon- type, winter what (Triticum vulgare L), is substantially more resistant than a dicotyledon-type, charlock (Chenopodium album L.) against radiation. The exposure limits for laser light in living plants have been explored as well. The limit in terms of re-growth of the irradiated plants exceeds the MPE (maximum permissible exposure) of human skin by several orders of magnitude. The consequence is that very powerful (unfocused) lasers can be used in any environment without significant impact on living plants.
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Juergen Schou, Torben Heisel, Arne Nordskov, Svend Christensen, Peter Snoer Jensen, Birgitte Thestrup, and Bo Toftmann "Quantitative laser cutting of plants", Proc. SPIE 4760, High-Power Laser Ablation IV, (13 September 2002); Logo
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Laser cutting

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