23 May 2002 Effect of model parameters on Monte-Carlo simulated light scattering indicatrice of RBC suspension layer at physiological hematocrit
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Using angle-resolved Monte-Carlo simulation we obtained indicatrices of light scattering from a whole blood layer (suspension of erythrocytes at physiological hematocrit) for different wavelengths (514 and 633 nm) of incident light. We considered the problems of conformity of parameters describing the model medium and real investigated medium under experiment conditions (shape and size of particles, refractive indexes of particles and suspension, hematocrit). The anisotropy factor was numerically determined for various shapes of model erythrocytes: equivolumed spheres, chaotically oriented spheroids with axial ratio (epsilon) =0.25, and bi-concave disks. For calculations we used different approaches: the exact Mie theory for spheres; hybrid approximation, based on anomalous diffraction approach, for spheroids; and geometrical optics approximation for bi-concave disks and spheroids. The best fir for experimental results obtained at (lambda) =514 nm provided the calculations for the layer of erythrocytes, modeled by chaotically oriented spheroids, which phase functions were calculated by geometrical optics approximation (taking into account Franhofer diffraction). So we conclude that the average shape of erythrocyte in suspension is closer to the spheroid with axes ratio 0.25.
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Alexander V. Priezzhev, Mikhail Yu. Kirillin, and Vladimir V. Lopatin "Effect of model parameters on Monte-Carlo simulated light scattering indicatrice of RBC suspension layer at physiological hematocrit", Proc. SPIE 4624, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing of Biological Fluids and Glucose and Cholesterol Monitoring II, (23 May 2002); Logo
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Light scattering


Mie scattering

Monte Carlo methods

Geometrical optics

Far-field diffraction


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