21 December 2000 Passive microwave precipitation retrievals using TMI during the Baiu period of 1998
Kazumasa Aonashi, Guosheng Liu
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Proceedings Volume 4152, Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environment II; (2000)
Event: Second International Asia-Pacific Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Environment, and Space, 2000, Sendai, Japan
An over-ocean precipitation retrieval algorithm is developed to retrieve precipitation for the Baiu period from brightness temperatures (TB's) supplied by the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI). The basic idea of the algorithm is to find the optimal precipitation that gives radiative transfer model (RTM)-calculated, field-of-view (FOV)- averaged TB's that fit best with the TMI TB's at 10.7, 19.7, and 85.5 GHz with vertical polarization. For the RTM calculation, spatial precipitation inhomogeneity and freezing level height are estimated from TMI TB's. The optimal precipitation with 10 km resolution is obtained by solving the gradient equation of a cost function that is a weighted sum of squares of TB differences between the TMI observation and the RTM calculation. Precipitation retrieved by this algorithm was validated using TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR) data from the western part of Japan during June-July of 1998. The results indicate: 1) Meso- scale (approximately 100 km) structures of precipitation disturbances were retrieved successfully with the algorithm. However, there were discrepancies in position and strength of individual rain cells between the precipitation retrievals and PR data. 2) Precipitation retrieved by the algorithm agreed well with PR data within the precipitation range of 1-25 mm/hr, irrespective of precipitation type.
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Kazumasa Aonashi and Guosheng Liu "Passive microwave precipitation retrievals using TMI during the Baiu period of 1998", Proc. SPIE 4152, Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environment II, (21 December 2000); Logo
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