3 May 2000 Fabrication of a large F-number lenticular plate and its use as a small-angle flat-top diffuser in autostereoscopic display screens
Chao-Hsu Tsai, Pong Lai, KuenJin Lee, Chih-Kung Lee
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A diffuser with large horizontal and vertical diffusion angle is a key component for the screen of a projection display. On the other hand, an autostereoscopic projection display needs a small horizontally diffused and large vertically diffused diffuser. A commercial LSD composed of cylindrical-based grains can be used to meet this requirement. Nevertheless, as the diffused intensity profile of a LSD is Gaussian-like, a LSD in many cases can cause either ghost imaging or black stripes while applied to the screen of autostereoscopic displays. Lenticular plates can produce a near flat-top diffusing profile when the divergence angle is small. For example, a lenticular plate with a 5 degrees divergence can be shown in theory to have only a 2.1 percent non-uniformity. However, as the curvature of the lenticular is very small, it becomes very difficult to fabricate such a lenticular plate. This paper reports a novel approach to modify a lenticular plate that was originally with a large divergence angle to a plate with a desired smaller divergence angle, without destroying the surface quality and maintaining good uniformity. The lenticular plate fabricated by using this approach was used as a screen diffuser of a projection-based autostereoscopic display, and the luminance of the screen viewed from different angles was measured.
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Chao-Hsu Tsai, Pong Lai, KuenJin Lee, and Chih-Kung Lee "Fabrication of a large F-number lenticular plate and its use as a small-angle flat-top diffuser in autostereoscopic display screens", Proc. SPIE 3957, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VII, (3 May 2000); Logo
Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
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Autostereoscopic displays


Fresnel lenses

Projection systems




Collimated fluorescent backlights for LCD direct viewing
Proceedings of SPIE (August 13 1993)
Autostereoscopic-projection displays
Proceedings of SPIE (March 30 1995)
Multiview 3D projection system
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Surface-relief holography for use in display screens
Proceedings of SPIE (April 07 1995)

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