26 June 1996 End-to-end laser radar range code for coherent cw lasers
M. John Yoder, Dima Seliverstov
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A user friendly modular computer code is described for CW coherent laser radar which includes all relevant physical effects needed to evaluate the probability of detection versus time after launch for ballistic missiles or other targets of interest. The beginning point of the code is the conventional laser radar range equation. Atmospheric attenuation is determined from an integral FASCODE calculation, and the laser radar range equation is solved for a curved-earth geometry including free air turbulence induced beam spreading. Several different atmospheric turbulence models are selectable. Target cross-sections can be input into the code as a function of aspect angle Coherence time and transverse coherence length limits are included in the code. Beam jitter effects are also calculated. The carrier-to-noise ratio is calculated including all of these (complicated) variables and degradations. The code then calculates the probability of detection of the target as a function of time using incoherent integration of coherent sub-pulses. The governing equations and practical results are presented for detection and tracking of long range theater ballistic missiles from airborne surveillance platforms. The use of CW lasers requires increased measurement times compared to pulsed lasers and results in an averaging of the target fading statistics.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. John Yoder and Dima Seliverstov "End-to-end laser radar range code for coherent cw lasers", Proc. SPIE 2748, Laser Radar Technology and Applications, (26 June 1996);
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Target detection


Continuous wave operation



Atmospheric optics

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