26 October 1994 Geometrical light field parameters for improving remote sensing estimates of the backscattering coefficient for the marine hydrosol
Robert Hans Stavn, Alan D. Weidemann
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Proceedings Volume 2258, Ocean Optics XII; (1994)
Event: Ocean Optics XII, 1994, Bergen, Norway
The backscattering coefficient of the marine hydrosol is recognized as an important optical parameter to extract from the radiance and irradiance data of the hydrosol. One of the more promising algorithms for extracting this parameter, utilizing remotely sensed reflectance, has been proposed by Zaneveld. We have studied the implications of the simplified algorithm with the Naval Research Lab (NRL) optical model, a Monte Carlo simulation of the radiative transfer equation using standard absorption and elastic scattering coefficients for the water molecule, organic matter, and minerogenic matter. The known inputs of inherent optical properties can be used with the radiant flux outputs to check and verify algorithms that invert the measured irradiance streams for inherent optical properties. The results indicate that the inversion of the backscattering coefficient from remotely sensed reflectance is in error in the range of a 40% overestimate to a 10% underestimate of this parameter. The errors are dependent on both the solar angle and the constituents contributing to backscattering. Knowledge about the general shape of the backscattering function of a given hydrosol is necessary for the most successful inversion algorithms.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert Hans Stavn and Alan D. Weidemann "Geometrical light field parameters for improving remote sensing estimates of the backscattering coefficient for the marine hydrosol", Proc. SPIE 2258, Ocean Optics XII, (26 October 1994); Logo
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Ocean optics


Monte Carlo methods

Optical properties


Radiative transfer

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